Four discussion groups will be focused on the following scenarios of signatures observed in the initial LHC runs and discuss in particular (but not only) the listed items:
** WG1) Detection of a state with properties that are compatible with a Higgs boson (SM-like or non-SM-like) (+ anything else)
- measurement of mass and spin, quantum numbers
- self-couplings
- precision top studies and electroweak precision physics
WG1 Conveners: S. Dawson, S. Heinemeyer, C. Mariotti and M. Schumacher.
A program of the WG1 activities can be found here.
** WG2) Detection of no state in the first 10 fb^-1 of LHC data with properties that are compatible with a Higgs boson (+ anything else)
- gauge boson self-couplings
- longitudinal vector boson scattering
- exotic Higgs scenarios
- invisibly decaying Higgs scenarios
WG2 Conveners: G. Azuelos, C. Grojean, M. Lancaster and G. Weiglein .
A program of the WG2 activities can be found here.
** WG3) Missing energy (+nothing, leptons, jets)
- measurement of mass and spin, quantum numbers
- dark matter / connection with cosmology
WG3 Conveners: B. Gripaios, F. Moortgat, G. Moortgat-Pick and G. Polesello.
** WG4) Other new signatures
- Leptonic resonances
- multi-gauge-boson signals
- measurement of mass and spin, quantum numbers
- leptoquark-type signatures
- flavour physics
- fourth generation-type signatures, exotic quarks
- TeV scale gravity-type signatures
- other possible signatures of new physics
WG4 Conveners: A. De Roeck, S. Riemann, T. Han and J. Hewett.
A program of the WG4 activities can be found here.