Thijs Wijnands
12/09/2005, 15:00
The impact of particle losses on the operation of the LHC machine and experiments
will be discussed. It will be shown how the risk of radiation induced failure to
equipment can be reduced via shielding, radiation tolerant equipment designs and on-
line radiation monitoring. A number of critical cases for the LHC Machine
Experiments interface will be highlighted. Recent data on beam...
Antonio Ciccolella
12/09/2005, 16:15
Distributed power systems offer many benefits to system designers over central
power systems such as reduced weight and size. Distributed systems also allow the
designers to control the quality of power at different loads and subsystems, since
DC-DC converters allow close regulation of output voltage under wide variations of
input voltages and loads. Distributed power systems also...
Robert Stokstad
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for the IceCube Collaboration)
12/09/2005, 17:00
The first sensors of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory were deployed at the South
Pole in January 2005 – 60 modules on one string at depths from 1450 to 2450 meters
and 16 modules in eight tanks at the surface. We present an overview of the
electronics for IceCube and demonstrate their performance with experimental data
obtained for cosmic ray muons. Analog waveforms of pmt signals are...
Ehrenfried Seebacher
13/09/2005, 09:00
We discuss state of the art and new developments for the characterization of CMOS
In the first chapter the most important issues of MOS transistor modeling will be
shown. Topics like AC/DC modeling, noise modeling and temperature modeling for the
MOS transistor will be explained. State of the art MOS transistor models like the
BSIM3 and BSIM4 models as well as the...
Massimo Manghisoni
(Università degli Studi di Bergamo)
13/09/2005, 09:45
Deep submicron CMOS technologies are widely used for the implementation
of low noise front-end electronics in various detector applications. In this field
the designers’ effort is presently focused on 0.13 micron technologies. This work
presents the results of noise measurements carried out on CMOS devices in 0.13 um
commercial processes from different foundries. The study also...
Marcel Stanitzki
(Yale University)
13/09/2005, 10:10
The CDF Silicon Vertex detector consists of three subdetectors: SVX-II,
ISL and L00. Altogether it consists of 8 layers of Silicon with more than 750000
readout channels. This detector is essential for CDF's high precision tracking and
is vital for the forward tracking capabilities and the identification of heavy
flavor decays. After four years of data taking in Run-II and a delivered...
Domenico Lo Presti
(Catania University-Physics Department)
13/09/2005, 11:00
A cubic KM scale underwater neutrino detector requires thousands of
photomultipliers whose signal must be acquired and transferred
through an electro-optical cable to shore for analysis and storage.
The transferrable power and data bandwidth of this cable is limited.
The work described here has been developed in the context of the NEMO
Collaboration with the aim of studying and...
Joannes HALLER
Ralf Spiwoks
13/09/2005, 11:25
The ATLAS detector at CERN's LHC will be exposed to proton-proton
collisions at a rate of 40 MHz. In order to reduce the data rate,
only potentially interesting events are selected by a three-level
trigger system. Its first level is implemented in electronics and
firmware, and aims at reducing the data output rate to about 75
kHz. The second and third trigger levels are based on...
Hugo Furtado
13/09/2005, 11:25
A five channel programmable delay line ASIC was designed, fabricated and tested.
The IC features 4 channels that allow to phase delay periodic or non-periodic
digital signals and a master channel that can be used to phase delay a clock
signal. The master channel serves as a calibration reference guaranteeing
independence from process, supply voltage and temperature variations. The...
Thilo Pauly
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
13/09/2005, 11:50
The ATLAS detector at CERN's LHC will be exposed to proton-proton
collisions at a bunch-crossing rate of 40 MHz. In order to reduce the
data rate, a three-level trigger system selects potentially
interesting events. Its first level is implemented in electronics and
firmware, and aims at reducing the output rate to under 100 kHz. The
Central Trigger Processor (CTP) combines...
Edward Bartz
(Rutgers University)
13/09/2005, 11:50
To coordinate groupings of pixel readout chips, the Token
Bit Manager (TBM), has been developed for the CMS experiment.
The TBM will coordinate passing of the readout token around
a group readout chips (ROC). In addition it supplies the DAQ
with a header and trailer record to facilitate event recognition.
Also present on the same chip is a Control Network Hub, which
Marcel Trimpl
(Bonn University)
13/09/2005, 12:15
For a very fast readout of a DEPFET pixel matrix at the ILC (International Linear
Collider) the 128 channel CURO II ASIC has been designed and fabricated in a 0.25
µm process.
Due to the signal of the sensor being a current, the architecture of the chip is
completely based on current mode (SI) techniques.
This comprises double-correlated-sampling in the analog front end with...
Hannes Sakulin
(Institute for High Energy Physics, Vienna, and CERN)
13/09/2005, 12:15
In CMS, three independent first-level muon trigger systems identify muon candidate
tracks. The Global Muon Trigger (GMT) receives up to 16 candidate tracks and combines
them using algorithms exploiting the complementarity of the muon systems. The GMT
also correlates the muon candidate tracks with calorimeter regions in order to
determine muon isolation or confirmation by the calorimeter....
Orlando Villalobos Baillie
(University of Birmingham)
13/09/2005, 12:40
The Alice Central Trigger Processor is described. The current trigger concept was
introduced in 2001 and allows up to 50 trigger inputs at three different levels:
level 0 (24 inputs, 1.2 μs latency); level 1 (20 inputs, 6.5 μs latency); level 2
(6 inputs, 88 μs latency). Up to 50 trigger classes (where inputs and destination
detectors are specified) can be used simultaneously. Detailed...
N. Spencer
(UC Santa Cruz)
13/09/2005, 14:15
For the potential use in future high luminosity application in HEP (e.g. the LHC
upgrade), we evaluated the radiation hardness of a candidate technology for the
front-end of the readout ASIC for silicon strip detectors. The devices were test
transistors of various geometries manufactured in the first generation, IBM SiGe 5HP
process. Current gain as a function of collector current has been...
(KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest)
13/09/2005, 14:15
The ALICE Detector Data Link (DDL) is a high-speed optical link designed to
interface the readout electronics of ALICE sub-detectors to the DAQ computers. The
Source Interface Unit (SIU) of the DDL will operate in radiation environment. Tests
showed that configuration loss of the ALTERA APEX II FPGA device used earlier on
the DDL SIU card is only marginally acceptable. We developed a...
Ketil Røed
(Faculty of Engeneering, Bergen University College, Norway)
13/09/2005, 14:40
The ALICE TPC Front End Electronics will be operated in a radiation field of up to
800 hadrons/cm2sec. SRAM-based FPGAs are used on the Front-End Cards (FEC) and the
Read-out Control Units (RCU). Several irradiation tests of all components on the
cards have ensured that the components selected are able to withstand the radiation
environment, but have also shown that single event upsets...
Paul Douglas Jackson
(Department of Physics, The Ohio state University)
13/09/2005, 14:40
We have developed a radiation-hard optical link for the ATLAS pixel detector at the
LHC at CERN. The driver and receiver chips are implemented in 0.25 micron CMOS
technology using enclosed layout transistors and guard rings for increased
radiation hardness. The former drives the Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
(VCSEL) diode to transmit 80 Mbit/s data from the detector. The...
Federico Faccio
13/09/2005, 15:05
We have developed a radiation-tolerant Low Drop-Out (LDO) voltage regulator for
applications in High Energy Physics experiments. The regulator outputs a fixed
voltage of 2.5V, it provides a maximum current of 300mA with a drop-out as low as
150mV. The circuit incorporates over-current, over-voltage and over-temperature
protection, and it can be disabled via a dedicated input pin....
Anthony Weidberg
(Nuclear Physics Laboratory)
13/09/2005, 15:05
The on detector optical links for the SCT have been produced and mounted on the
detector. Most of the off-detector opto-electronics has also been produced and has
been used to successfully read out modules assembled on barrels and End Cap disks.
Many problems were encountered during the production and these will be described.
The lack of modularity in the system design has been a major...
Markus Friedl
(HEPHY Vienna)
13/09/2005, 15:30
Approximately 15,000 analog optical transmitter modules with 2 or 3 channels each
will be installed in the CMS experiment to read out the Silicon Strip Tracker.
These Analog Optohybrids were produced in Austrian and Italian industries from mid-
2003 to mid-2005.
After assembly, each unit was thoroughly tested for electrical and optical
properties and all results are stored in the CMS...
Venelin Angelov
(KIP, Uni-Heidelberg)
13/09/2005, 15:30
The ALICE TRD has over 1,2 million analog channels that will be
digitized at 10MSPS with 10-bit resolution. We have developed a
TRAcklet Processor (TRAP) ASICs implementing 22 extra low power
ADCs, digital filters, four RISC processors with shared memory, slow
control serial interface and fast parallel 4-in 1-out readout
tree ports.
Together with the preamplifier chip they build a...
Cigdem Issever
(University of Oxford)
13/09/2005, 16:25
The readout system of the ATLAS inner detector for SLHC will need to cope with ten
time’s higher radiation doses than the current ATLAS inner detector readout system.
It is an open question of whether the current opto-electronic readout system could
be used at SLHC. This is a critical question for the detector design as it will
have a major influence on the layout of the readout. We have...
Luca Toscano
(INFN Sezione di Torino, Italy)
13/09/2005, 16:25
This paper presents the wafer-level testing system developed for the front-end
electronics of the Silicon Drift Detectors of ALICE. The system is based on a
semiautomatic probe station and has been designed to test two different ASICs with
minimal changes in the hardware. All the operations are controlled by a PC running a
dedicated LabView software. The architecture of the test system is...
Markus AXER
13/09/2005, 16:50
Lasers and photodiodes used currently in CMS, alongside new, faster components,
were irradiated for the first time to very high neutron fluences, up to
2x10^16n/cm2. The usual radiation effects in lasers and photodiodes were observed,
with the ultimate failure point of the device being observed for the first time. As
this was a particularly aggressive test these types of components are...
Nikolaos Manthos
(University of Ioannina)
13/09/2005, 16:50
PACE3 is the 32-channel large dynamic range front-end amplifier, shaper and analogue
memory for the CMS Preshower detector. Around 4300 PACE3, designed in 0.25micron
CMOS, are required for the detector. Production of the chips has been completed and
the packaged chips (fpBGA) evaluated using a custom testbench equipped with a ZIF
socket under LabVIEW control. The tests are described and...
Jan Troska
13/09/2005, 17:15
We report on the evaluation of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) optical transceivers
for use in future readout and control systems of upgraded detectors for SLHC. The
critical performance metrics and operational constraints on the required inputs –
notably the reference clocks – will be described. Measurements of these performance
metrics on samples of COTS small form-factor XFP...
Achim Vollhardt
(EPF Lausanne)
13/09/2005, 17:15
We give an overview on the status of production of the LHCb Silicon Tracker
Electronics. Lessons learned together with the industry in the preseries production
of the Silicon Tracker Digitizer Boards were integrated into the design to optimize
the production and assembly yield of the main batch of 700 Digitizer Boards. A
report on the preseries readout module performance and on the...
Stefano Oggioni
(IBM Vimercate)
14/09/2005, 09:00
There is an increased awareness in the semiconductor industry that packaging
technology is an essential and integral part of the semiconductor product, and has
become a critical competitive factor in many market segments since it affects
operating frequency, power, reliability and costs.
Costs pressure over System development investments has created a strong demand in
the industry...
Daniel Puschmann
(GS Praezisions AG), Dr
Frank Bose
(GS Praezisions AG)
14/09/2005, 09:45
GS Praezisions AG has been involved in the LHC project by providing electronic
substrates for several experiments such as the CMS front-end hybrids, CMS
Calorimeter, ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector MCM and others.
Based on the experience with the designs of the various groups and countries we
will highlight the common mistakes, opportunities and challenges in modern PCB
Frank Lehner
(Zurich University)
14/09/2005, 10:45
The Silicon Tracker of the LHCb experiment consists of four silicon detector
stations positioned along the beam line of the experiment. The detector modules of
each station are constructed
from wide pitch silicon microstrip sensors. Located at the module's end, a
polyimide hybrid is housing the front-end electronics. The assembly of the more
than 600 hybrids is done at industry.
Y. Unno
14/09/2005, 11:10
ATLAS semi-conductor tracker (SCT) has chosen the Cu-polyimide flex circuit,
reinforced with a carbon-carbon substrate for its ATLAS SCT barrel modules. We
report the successes, and problems encountered and solutions, during the course of
production of 2,600 pieces of the hybrid.
Francois Vasey
(CERN), Mr
Hans Wyss
14/09/2005, 11:35
The CMS front-end hybrid project faced in the past years several difficulties which
eventually brought it to the top of the CMS list of critical path items. Instead of
relating the technical challenges which had to be surmounted, this presentation will
attempt to find the root causes of the encountered difficulties. A CMS user and a
manufacturer's point of view will make it clear...
Rui De Oliveira
14/09/2005, 12:00
The CERN TS/DEM-PMT workshop is specialised in prototype production of many types of
circuits for electronic interconnection in the nuclear research field.
During this talk I will present several technologies used in industry and in our
workshop, ranging from standard PCBs to MultiChip Modules Deposited (MCM-D). The
explanation of the production processes will be followed by an...
Michal Dwuznik
(AGH University if Science and Technology Krakow)
14/09/2005, 14:15
The quality assurance system for semi-industrial production scale of multichip
hybrid circuits is presented. The hybrids are parts of the silicon strip detector
modules of the Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) of the forthcoming ATLAS detector. The
hybrid houses the readout and data transmission ASICs, providing the full
functionality needed for binary readout of double-sided silicon strip...
Markku Oinonen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
14/09/2005, 14:40
The silicon strip detector (SSD) modules cover the two outermost layers of the Inner
Tracking System of ALICE. The SSD module assembly will be performed at three
locations in Europe: Helsinki, Strasbourg and Trieste. After a tedious preparation
period within the whole ALICE SSD collaboration, mass production of the SSD modules
was launched during autumn 2004 in Helsinki. Presently all...
Norbert Wermes
(Physikalisches Institut)
15/09/2005, 09:00
Pixel detectors have replaced micro strip detectors as vertex trackers in the
innermost part of collider detectors. Hybrid pixel detectors, in which sensor and
read-out ICs are separate entities, constitute the present state of the art in the
pixel technology being able to stand the extreme requirements at the LHC. A number
of trends and further developments, most notably monolithic or...
Roland Horisberger
15/09/2005, 09:45
15/09/2005, 11:00
The ATLAS DAQ/HLT equipment is located in the underground counting room and in the
surface building. The main active components are rack-mounted PC's and switches.
The issues being resolved during the engineering design are powering and cooling of
the DAQ/HLT equipment, monitoring of the environmental parameters, installation and
maintenance procedures. This paper describes the ongoing...
Kendall Reeves
(Uni. Wuppertal)
15/09/2005, 11:00
The innermost part of the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS ) experiment at the LHC
(Large Hadron Collider) will be a pixel detector, which is presently under
construction. Once installed into the experimental area, access will be extremely
limited. To ensure that the integrated detector assembly operates as expected, a
fraction of the detector which includes the power supplies and...
Christoph Hoermann
(University of Zuerich/ Paul Scherrer Institut)
15/09/2005, 11:25
The central part of the CMS pixel detector will consist of about 800 modules, which
are mounted on three concentric barrel layers. The radii of the layers are 4cm, 7cm
and 11cm. The modules cover an area of 66.5mm * 18.5mm and have 66560 pixels. The 16
Read Out Chips are connected to the sensor by bump bonds.
The performance of the prototype modules has been evaluated in detail in...
Markus Joos
15/09/2005, 11:25
Most of the off-detector custom electronics of the ATLAS data acquisition system
such as the Read-Out Drivers or the Trigger and Timing Control system has been
implemented in VMEbus. The paper describes the process of selecting a common VMEbus
processor module for all VMEbus systems in ATLAS and the problems encountered
during the evaluation of different candidate cards. Some...
((International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP), University of Tokyo))
15/09/2005, 11:50
A high voltage system includes 60 high voltage power supply channels in a 2U height
EURO crate. The system is interfaced with a computer through USB interface. The
output voltage of the channel ranges from 1 kV to 4 kV with an output current of
more than 100 uA. Ripples on the output voltage is less than 100 mV in peak-to-peak
amplitude. The output voltage can be set and monitored with...
Marcos Turqueti
15/09/2005, 11:50
The efforts of the Pixel Detector R&D group at Fermilab have been concentrated on
meeting the requirements of the pixel detector for the BTeV experiment. In BTeV,
the pixel detector would be located close to the beam, and all collected data would
be read out for use in the lowest level trigger for track and vertex reconstruction
every beam crossing. We present the results of the...
Duc Bao Ta
(Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn)
15/09/2005, 12:15
We demonstrate here for the example of the large scale pixel detector of ATLAS that
Serial Powering of pixel modules is a viable alternative powering scheme that have
been devised and implemented for the modules using dedicated on-chip voltage
regulators and modified flex hybrid circuits. The equivalent of a pixel ladder
consisting of six serially powered pixel modules with about 0.3...
Georges Blanchot
15/09/2005, 12:15
The front end electronics of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter is powered by DC/DC
converters nearby the front-end crates. They are fed by AC/DC converters located in
a remote control room through long power cables. The stability of the power
distribution scheme is compromised by the impedance of the long interconnection
cable, and proper matching of the converters dynamic impedances...
Stefano Petrucci
(CAEN CAEN S.p.A., Via Vetraia 11, Viareggio, Italy)
15/09/2005, 12:40
A compact data acquisition and power supply system housed in a water cooled special
crate has been designed for the readout of the TOF (Time Of Flight) detector of the
Alice experiment at CERN. The Crate contains a 12 slot VME64X bus that houses 2400
multi-hit 25ps TDC channels (TRM), a Trigger Module (LTM), a Clock Distribution
Module (CPDM) and a data readout manger (DRM board) with...
Marc Weber
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
15/09/2005, 12:40
Serial powering of silicon detectors can dramatically reduce the number of power
cables. This will relax space constraints, reduce material, and minimize power
losses in cables. A study of the power efficiency of a serial powering scheme for
silicon strip detector modules is performed. Numerical results are presented as a
function of the number of modules, supply voltage, and cable...
Karl Aaron Gill
15/09/2005, 14:00
The recent progress on the CMS Tracker control system is reviewed in depth, with a
report of activities and results related to ongoing parts production, acceptance
testing, integration and system testing, as well as controls software development.
The integration of final parts into Tracker systems and the subsequent testing is
described taking the Tracker Outer Barrel as an example application.
Nadia Pastrone
(I.N.F.N. Torino)
15/09/2005, 14:00
CMS designed an high precision electromagnetic calorimeter, to be operated reliably
in the high radiation environment of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), inside
the 4 T magnetic field. Innovative solutions were developed to place the front-end
electronics within the detector with the advantage of minimizing external noise,
while reducing the number of optical links to send data...
Werner Lustermann
(Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
15/09/2005, 14:25
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter consists of roughly 76000 lead tungstate
crystals. Nearly 25000 Printed Circuit Boards of 5 different types and about 5500
Gigabit Optical Links are used to process the signals of the photo-detectors and to
send the resulting data to the off- detector electronics.
The integration of this electronics together with its cooling system, mechanical...
Matthias Richter
(University of Bergen, Dep. of Physics and Technology)
15/09/2005, 14:25
The ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is read out by 4356 Front-End Cards
serving roughly 560000 channels. Each channel has to be configured and
monitored individually. As one part of the overall controlling of the detector this
task is covered by the Detector Control System (DCS).
Since fault tolerance, error correction and system stability in general are major
concerns, a system...
Caroline Collard
(LLR Ecole Polytechnique)
15/09/2005, 14:50
The Front-End (FE) boards are part of the on-detector electronics system
of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter ECAL. Their numerical functionalities
and properties are tested by a dedicated test bench located at Laboratoire
Leprince-Ringuet, prior to the board integration in the CMS detector at CERN.
XFEST, acronym for eXtended Front-End System Test, is designed to perform
walter Bonivento
15/09/2005, 14:50
The system architecture of the front-end electronics of the LHCb Muon Detector,
consisting of wire-chamber detectors and, for a small region, of triple-GEM
detectors, is reviewed. The design of the front-end boards and of the ASD chip, the
CARIOCA and the CARIOCA-GEM, are discussed in detail, together with the
performances measured both with test benches in the lab and on chamber with...
Sachin Junnarkar
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
15/09/2005, 15:15
The ATLAS muon spectrometer will employ Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) to measure
high momentum muons in the extreme forward regions [1]. Preamplification of the
charge on the strips is performed in the Amplifier Shaper Module I. Amplifier
Shaper Module II performs the analog buffering, digitization of the charge signals
from individual cathode strips and multiplexes the data into two...
Wojciech Bialas
15/09/2005, 15:15
The CMS Preshower detector (ES) comprises ondetector and offdetector components of
the readout and control system, as well as the powering system and optical links.
The fast control system is largely built around the one originally conceived for
the CMS Tracker (FEC, DOH, CCU etc.) whilst the readout part profits from
developments made for the CMS ECAL (DCC, GOH, AD41240). There are two...
Kostas Kloukinas
15/09/2005, 15:40
The AD41240 is a custom made 12-bit 40 MSPS, quad-channel, radiation tolerant analog-
to-digital converter for the front-end readout electronics of the CMS ECAL and
Preshower detectors. The A/D converter features a special digital circuitry to allow
automatic selection of gain ranges when it is used with a multi gain pre-amplifier.
This paper describes the design architecture of the A/D...
Riccardo Vari
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
15/09/2005, 15:40
The ATLAS Barrel Level-1 muon trigger handles data coming from the Resistive Plate
Chamber detectors, structured in three concentric layers inside the air-core barrel
toroid. The trigger classifies muons within different programmable transverse
momentum thresholds, and tags the identified tracks with the corresponding bunch
crossing number. The algorithm looks for hit coincidences...
Eugenio Scapparone
(infn - Bologna)
15/09/2005, 16:25
The goal of the ALICE Time of Flight detector, based on MRPC technology, is to
perform charged particle identification at |eta|<1. This large area (150 m^2),
finely segmented detector (~160,000 channels), provides fast signals which will
contribute to the L0 and L1 trigger decisions.
Hits from the TOF detector are used to determine the multiplicity and topology
of the events. This...
Alessandro Gabrielli
(INFN & Physics Department of Bologna University)
15/09/2005, 16:25
The paper presents an end-ladder card prototype of the data acquisition chain of the
ALICE SDD experiment. The prototype includes most of the electronics devices that
will be applied to ALICE SDD experiment. The card interfaces with the front-end
electronics and with the counting room detector data link. It has been designed
taking into account the constraints on the dimensions of the...
Jan de Cuveland
(University of Heidelberg)
15/09/2005, 16:50
The ALICE TRD trigger demands for high-speed computation and low-latency
transmission of event data along the complete data path.
The module presented here is being developed for the detector's global
online tracking unit which contributes to the L1 trigger of the experiment. It is
an FPGA-based system utilizing PCI and 12 fibre-optical SFP transceiver interfaces,
realized as a...
15/09/2005, 16:50
The Transition Radiation Tracker, made of 370’000 cylindrical straws,
is a combined tracking and electron identification detector, part of the ATLAS Inner
Detector at CERN’s LHC. The back-end electronics, which are in charge of the
communication with the front-end boards mounted all around the detector, are made
up of two types of 9U VME boards. One type is the ROD boards, collecting,...
Sonia Luengo
(La Salle, School of Engineering, Universitat Ramon Llull)
15/09/2005, 17:15
The SPD (Scintillator Pad Detector) is a part of LHCb calorimetry. Its function is
to discriminate between charged particles and neutrals for the LHCb level0 trigger.
This detector uses scintillator pad readout by wavelength shifting (WLS) fibbers
that are coupled to MAPMT via clear plastic fibbers. The specific features of the
SPD detector are the high granularity in the inner part...
Alexandra Oltean
15/09/2005, 17:15
The electromagnetic Photon Spectrometer (PHOS) of ALICE measures electromagnetic
showers up to 100 GeV with PbWO4 crystals and APD's placed a cold zone of -25 C.
Readout regions of 448 crystals are combined as coherent trigger regions via analog
signals which are processed by one FPGA-based, Trigger Region Unit (TRU). The
signals are 2*2 analog sums with 100 ns shaping time, connected...
Richard Jacobsson
15/09/2005, 17:40
The LHC RF clock is transmitted over kilometres of fibre to the experiments
where it is distributed to thousands of front-end electronics boards. In order to
ensure that the detector signals are sampled properly, its long-term stability
with respect to the bunch arrival times must be monitored with a precision of
<100ps. In addition it is important to monitor the LHC bunch structure...
Joannes Schemmel
(Kirchhoff Institut fuer Physik / Electronic Vision(s))
16/09/2005, 09:00
This talk presents different VLSI models of artificial neural
networks ranging from abstract ones using binary neurons to
biologically inspired pulse-coupled systems. Circuit examples
demonstrating common design principles for optimizing area usage and
network speed are shown. The usage of digital communication
protocols allows the parallelization of the analog network cores to...
(Xilinx, Inc. San Jose, CA, USA)
16/09/2005, 09:45
In step with Moore’s Law, FPGAs are continuing their rapid progress. IC technology
makes circuits smaller and faster, while 300 mm wafers with low defect density
reduce the cost. Innovative chip structures support adaptation to conflicting user
demands, and combine with flip-chip packaging to improve the electrical
This paper describes several new or enhanced...
Gerd Troeger
(Kirchoff-Institut fuer Physik, Universitaet Heidelberg)
16/09/2005, 10:10
Using the FPGA Virtual File System for Dynamic Reconfiguration of
FPGAs, we have been investigating improvements to various aspects and components of
the ALICE electronics. In this paper, we will briefly summarize the results
from our work on improving the radiation tolerance of FPGA-based experiment
electronics, followed by a deeper coverage of our more recent work on using the
Sophie BARON
16/09/2005, 11:05
The TTC (Timing, Trigger and Control) system broadcasts the timing signals from the
LHC machine to the experiments. At the detector level, it integrates the trigger
information and local synchronous commands with these signals, for transmission to
several thousands of destinations. If the support of the TTC system at the level of
the detectors is well in hand, the main network between the...
John Jones
(Imperial College London)
16/09/2005, 11:30
We report on preliminary design studies of a pixel
detector for CMS at the Super-LHC. The goal of these studies was to
investigate the possibility of designing an inner tracker pixel
detector whose data could be used for selecting events at the First
Level Trigger. The detector considered consists of two layers
of 50x50 m2 pixels at very close radial proximity from each other
Sébastien HEINI
(IReS laboratory)
16/09/2005, 11:55
Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) using standard low cost CMOS technology
available from industrial manufacturers, have demonstrated excellent tracking
performances for minimum ionising particles. The need for highly granular, thin and
radiation tolerant pixel arrays equipping the vertex detector foreseen at the
future International Linear Collider (and elsewhere) drive an intense...
Jean-Francois Genat
A 16-channel readout chip for Silicon strips detectors has been designed in 180
nanometer CMOS technology and tested. It includes low-noise amplification, pulse
shaping, sampling and threshold detection. An input referred noise of 190 + 12
electrons/picoFarad for an integration time of 3 microseconds has been measured,
leading to an overall signal to noise ratio of 30 and a dynamic range...
Deyan Atanasov
(Kirchhoff Insitute of Physics)
Addressing the needs for high-transaction, low-latency, high-
selectivity trigger systems at LHC, a solution for a high-
performance scalable trigger processing farm based on commodity
computing nodes interconnected with a ring-based network is
proposed. Running such a massive parallel system at input rates
above megahertz requires flow control to prevent congestions at the
Thierry Romanteau
(LLR Ecole Polytechnique)
The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the CMS experiment is equipped with ~3000
front-end boards (FE) performing both trigger and data readout functions. Prior to
their integration at CERN in the ECAL detectors the FE boards are tested using a
dedicated test bench located in Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet. This test bench,
called XFEST, was designed and built for testing as much as...
Costas Foudas
(Imperial College)
A. Rose, C. Foudas, J. Jones and G. Hall
Physics Department
Imperial College London
SW7 2BW, London UK.
Investigations on the possibility of designing a First Level Tracking Trigger for
CMS at the SLHC based on the data of the inner tracking detector are presented. As a
model for the inner tracking detector we have used the current CMS pixel detector
with the same pixel size and...
Sachin Junnarkar
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
The ATLAS muon spectrometer will employ Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) to measure
high momentum muons in the extreme forward regions [1]. The on-detector electronics
for the ATLAS CSCs performs amplification, analog buffering, and digitization of
the charge signals from individual cathode strips. We present production test
architecture for on chamber electronics comprising of custom...
Torsten Alt
(Kirchhoff Institute of Physics)
Programmable Logic and Embedded Processing
The ALICE HLT-RORC, a FPGA based PCI card, will be the link between
the front-end electronics of the detector and the Front-End processors in the High
Level Trigger.
Equipped with the new Xilinx Virtex4 LX40 FPGA a fast PCI 64/66 interface and up to
two optical links the card will not only be able to inject the raw detector data
into the memory of the Trigger farm, it also provides...
Leonid Efimov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
FAD-a modular assembly of the fast (320 MHz input pulse BW at 20 Db gain factor)
and portable (120x30 mm^2 PCB per 4-input unit) front-end electronic channels, each
aggregating linear adders, amplifiers, LED type threshold discriminators and output
ECL shapers, has been designed to implement primarily the ALICE TRD testing bench.
An initial series of the FAD based modules is prepared to...
Ivan Kisel
Typical central Au-Au collision in the CBM experiment (GSI, Germany)
will produce up to 700 tracks in the inner tracker. Large track multiplicity
together with presence of non-homogeneous magnetic field make reconstruction of
events complicated.
A cellular automaton method is used to reconstruct tracks in the inner tracker. The
cellular automaton algorithm creates short tracklets in...
Mark Raymond
(Imperial College)
Production, Testing, Quality Assurance and Reliability
The APV25 is the front end readout chip for the CMS silicon microstrip tracker.
Approximately 75,000 chips are required and the production phase is now complete.
Each chip on every wafer is subjected to detailed probe testing to verify full
functionality and performance, and only chips that pass all tests are selected for
mounting on detector modules. Over several years more than 500...
Christian Reichling
(Kirchhoff Institut für Physik)
Custom Integrated Circuits
The Quad Ported Memory (QPM) is the data memory for the four MIMD CPUs in the TRAP
Chip. Which is part of the trigger system for the ALICE Transition Radiation
Detector (TRD).
The QPM has 1024 data words each data word consists of 39 bits (32 data bits, plus
7 hamming bits) and is quad ported - each CPU can access the memory, reading or
writing completely independent of the CPUS,...
Stefanos Dris
(Imperial College and CERN)
The maximum attainable data rate in a digital readout system based on the current
CMS Tracker optical link components is investigated. Additional digital modulation
and demodulation on either side of the current analog link would be required for
implementation. The feasibility of such a conversion is explored in terms of
performance that can be achieved and implementation complexity....
Ricardo Ramirez
(U. of Texas, Arlington)
The new TCAD tools for IC modeling allow the verification of the silicon circuit
implementation from the fabrication stages to the final implementation circuits.
Using such setup a study of the Minimum Ionizing Particle (MIP) has been carried on
in order to optimize and predict behaviors of the Silicon Detectors used by High
Energy Physics experiments. This paper shows the use of such...
Walter Rinaldi
(Universita di Roma I "La Sapienza")
LHCb Muon Chambers (MWPC) testing will be carried out in a number of steps, and
final characterization will be performed in a station detecting cosmic rays, with
all the equipment in place. We have designed a Multiplexer board, which can reduce
by more than a factor of four the number of channels to be acquired, using time
multiplexing: signals are delayed with respect to each other by...
Jose Torres
(University of Valencia, Spain)
TileCal is a redundant data acquisition system. Two optical fibers carry the same
data from front-end electronics to ROD system. This is necessary because of
radiation phenomena could cause malfunctions inside front-end electronics, and bit
and burst errors over data ready to be transmitted to ROD motherboard.
Unfortunately, ROD card has only one input connector for each data, because...
Stefan Koestner
(CERN/University Zurich)
The BEETLE frontend chip is a 128 channel radiation hard analog read-out chip using
commercial 0.25µm CMOS technology designed by the ASIC lab in Heidelberg. The
BEETLE is used at the LHCb experiment, currently under construction at the Large
Hadron Collider at CERN. It operates at 40 MHz and saves events into a pipeline
with a maximum latency of 160 clock cycles.
We summarise here...
Géza Székely
(Institute of Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), Debrecen, PO BOX 51. Hungary H-4001)
For the precise measurement of the positions of the barrel muon chambers in the CMS
detector, a Position Monitoring System (PMS) has been developed at our institutes.
The magnetic field, which has to be tolerated by the system, is 2 Tesla. The aim of
this paper is to present and discuss the logical organisation, applied tools and
methods of a subsystem of the PMS, which is dedicated to the...
Gloria Torralba
(Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Custom Integrated Circuits
The device presented at this work is a switch designed for compensating the skew
which affects parallel data signal transmissions and for providing fault tolerance
in large scale scalable systems, for instance used in trigger farms for high energy
physics experiments. The SWIFT chip (SWItch for Fault Tolerance)is part of a
cluster built around commercially components which has been...
Erica Polycarpo
(Instituto de Fisica)
This document describes the hardware and software of a Front-End Electronics Test
(FEET) Station developed to test and characterize the LHCb Muon Front-End (FE) ASIC,
which processes the signals generated by Multi-wire proportional chambers and GEM
detectors. The CARIOCA (Cern And Rio Current-mode amplifier) is an 8-channel
Amplifier, Shaper and Discriminator with Base Line Restoration...
Rafael Nobrega
(INFN sez Roma "La Sapienza" (and CBPF))
This document describes hardware and software of a station developed to test the
LHCb Muon Front-End Boards (FEBs) for MWPC and GEM chambers. Such boards are made
up of two Amplifier, Shaper and Discriminator (ASD) ASICs and a read-out and
control ASIC, accessible via I2C based data transfer protocol. Such station allows
bench tests of front-end readout circuitry using the same...
Davide Pinci
(INFN-Sezione di Roma)
Within the Framework of the CERN Control System Project, using PVSS as the main
tool, we developed an instrument to manage of the Muon System of LHCb.
Adjustment and monitoring of High and Low Voltage power supplies,on-line
diagnostics and fine tuning of the Front-End read-out devices, data acquisition
from the gas system and the monitoring of pressure and temperature of the...
Tim Jones
(University of Liverpool)
With the completion of the assembly of silicon detector modules and their
supporting structures, the focus of activity has moved to the production and
operation of large assemblies of multiple modules. This involves the physical
mounting of modules onto their supports, the connection of their services and the
subsequent testing. This paper describes the assembly and test procedures for...
Mikhail Matveev
(Rice University)
We report on the design and development of two electronics boards for the Endcap
Muon Cathode Strip Chamber detector at CMS. One, the Muon Port Card, performs
sorting “3 best patterns out of 18” and another one, the Muon Sorter, performs
sorting “4 best patterns out of 36”. The selected output patterns are sent to a
higher level of the trigger system in a ranked order. Both boards are...
Jose Maria Castelo
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) UV-CSIC)
The Tilecal Read Out System (ROD) must be able to receive the calorimeter data
filtered by the first level trigger, process them, and send them to the ATLAS
generaldata acquisition system (TDAQ), where the level 2 trigger decision will be
taken.Therefore the ROD is placed between level 1 and 2 trigger levels.
The ROD will process in real time the discrete samples of each calorimeter...