I. Introduction:
Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) form the first station of the endcap muon spectrometer
in the ATLAS experiment. The CSC system consists of 32 four-layer readout planes of
192 x- and four-layer readout planes of 48 y-strips each. Each CSC is served by 5
front end electronics packs called Amplifier Shaper Module Packs (ASM-Pack), which
consist of two ASM-I and one ASM-II printed circuit boards (PCB). ASM-Pack together
employs 4 different custom designed Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC)
fabricated using Agilent Technology (AT) 0.5 μm CMOS, Single Poly, Linear
Capacitor, Triple metal process, along with a switched-capacitor array analog
memory [2] in a radiation-hardened 0.8m CMOS process and various COTS components.
Both PCBs use radiation hard electronic circuits consistent with the ATLAS
radiation policies.
A CMOS multi-channel ASIC was developed for charge amplification and signal
shaping. Bipolar shaping and 70 ns shaping time were chosen to minimize the effects
of noise and pileup. In the 25-channel Preamplifier/Shaper, the NMOS input FET of
the preamplifiers, DC feedback circuit and pole-zero compensation circuits were
optimized to provide lower parallel and series noise to the front-end signal chain,
staying within the allocated power budget [1].
Each ASM-I consists of 4 of the above mentioned ASICs processing signals from 96
cathode strips and its output is AC coupled into ASM-II for analog storage,
digitization and transmission to off-detector ReadOut Driver (ROD)[3]. The ASM-I
also consists of CERN developed LHC-7913 voltage regulator from ST microelectronics
and three stages of Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) protection for each channel.
ASM-II serves total of 192 channels from two ASM-I. For analog storage, the HAMAC
Switched Capacitor Array (SCA) ASIC [2] is used. This chip originally developed for
the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter, has a separate “muon” mode which allows it to
function as a 12-channel, single gain memory rather than the 4-channel, tri-gain
mode used in the calorimeter. SCA cells are written at 20 MHz and read-out upon
level 1 trigger to a 12 bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) AD9042 at 6.67 MHz.
ASM2MUX, a digital multiplexer ASIC, converts 24 bits from two ADCs at 6.67 MHz
into 4 bits out at 40 MHz. Control signals and clocks for SCAs and ADCs are
distributed through MC10H116 Positive Emitter Coupled Logic (PECL) buffers,
differentially to keep digital noise to a minimum. Custom clock fan-out ASIC is
used to distribute clocks to ASM2MUXs and on board Giga bit optical links (G-Link).
Seven LHC-7913 voltage regulators on ASM-II distribute power to ASM-I and ASM-II.
The data from the chambers are transmitted to and control signals for readout of
the board are received from off detector ROD over G-Links, consisting of AT HDMP-
1022, AT HDMP-1024 and SDX-19-4-1-S optical transceivers. Sparsification, event
building, and other tasks involved in resolving the hit co-ordinates with a
resolution of approximately 60 µm are performed on the ROD [3]. The RODs are also
responsible for generating the fast clock and control signals and distributing them
to the ASMs, which function as slaves.
IV. Status:
Production of the front end electronics for the ATLAS CSCs is nearing completion.
Post production results will be available at the time of the conference.
[1] P. O’Connor “Readout Electronics for a High-rate CSC Detector” Proceedings
of the 5th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, Snowmass, Colorado, USA
20 - 24 September 1999
[2] D. Breton et al., “HAMAC, a rad-hard high dynamic range analog memory for
ATLAS calorimetry”, PROCEEDINGS of the Sixth Workshop on Electronics for LHC
Experiments Krakow, Poland, 11 - 15 September 2000; P. O'Connor “Adapting the
Liquid Argon Calorimeter SCA for use with CSC BNL” 2-Feb-99: http://atlas-
[3] I. Gough Eschrich “Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Muon Cathode Strip
Chambers”. In press.