15/09/2005, 11:00
The ATLAS DAQ/HLT equipment is located in the underground counting room and in the
surface building. The main active components are rack-mounted PC's and switches.
The issues being resolved during the engineering design are powering and cooling of
the DAQ/HLT equipment, monitoring of the environmental parameters, installation and
maintenance procedures. This paper describes the ongoing...
Markus Joos
15/09/2005, 11:25
Most of the off-detector custom electronics of the ATLAS data acquisition system
such as the Read-Out Drivers or the Trigger and Timing Control system has been
implemented in VMEbus. The paper describes the process of selecting a common VMEbus
processor module for all VMEbus systems in ATLAS and the problems encountered
during the evaluation of different candidate cards. Some...
((International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP), University of Tokyo))
15/09/2005, 11:50
A high voltage system includes 60 high voltage power supply channels in a 2U height
EURO crate. The system is interfaced with a computer through USB interface. The
output voltage of the channel ranges from 1 kV to 4 kV with an output current of
more than 100 uA. Ripples on the output voltage is less than 100 mV in peak-to-peak
amplitude. The output voltage can be set and monitored with...
Georges Blanchot
15/09/2005, 12:15
The front end electronics of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter is powered by DC/DC
converters nearby the front-end crates. They are fed by AC/DC converters located in
a remote control room through long power cables. The stability of the power
distribution scheme is compromised by the impedance of the long interconnection
cable, and proper matching of the converters dynamic impedances...
Stefano Petrucci
(CAEN CAEN S.p.A., Via Vetraia 11, Viareggio, Italy)
15/09/2005, 12:40
Radiation and Magnetic Tolerant Components and Systems
A compact data acquisition and power supply system housed in a water cooled special
crate has been designed for the readout of the TOF (Time Of Flight) detector of the
Alice experiment at CERN. The Crate contains a 12 slot VME64X bus that houses 2400
multi-hit 25ps TDC channels (TRM), a Trigger Module (LTM), a Clock Distribution
Module (CPDM) and a data readout manger (DRM board) with...