Luca Toscano
(INFN Sezione di Torino, Italy)
13/09/2005, 16:25
This paper presents the wafer-level testing system developed for the front-end
electronics of the Silicon Drift Detectors of ALICE. The system is based on a
semiautomatic probe station and has been designed to test two different ASICs with
minimal changes in the hardware. All the operations are controlled by a PC running a
dedicated LabView software. The architecture of the test system is...
Nikolaos Manthos
(University of Ioannina)
13/09/2005, 16:50
PACE3 is the 32-channel large dynamic range front-end amplifier, shaper and analogue
memory for the CMS Preshower detector. Around 4300 PACE3, designed in 0.25micron
CMOS, are required for the detector. Production of the chips has been completed and
the packaged chips (fpBGA) evaluated using a custom testbench equipped with a ZIF
socket under LabVIEW control. The tests are described and...
Achim Vollhardt
(EPF Lausanne)
13/09/2005, 17:15
We give an overview on the status of production of the LHCb Silicon Tracker
Electronics. Lessons learned together with the industry in the preseries production
of the Silicon Tracker Digitizer Boards were integrated into the design to optimize
the production and assembly yield of the main batch of 700 Digitizer Boards. A
report on the preseries readout module performance and on the...