Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

20–22 Oct 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

Call for Contributions

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
You are invited to make an abstract submission for a presentation slot, poster or breakout group session.

Presentation slots are half an hour each and can be in the Technical presentations session or the Library and Publishing Community presentations session (see the timetable for the times of these sessions). Precise slots will be allocated by the programme managers.

Around half a dozen small breakout groups will meet to discuss subjects in detail. Topics for and leaders of these groups are sought. Each group reports back to the workshop with a short report.

Posters will be displayed outside the Main Auditorium and a specific coffee break will be held for viewing these and talking to the author. Posters should be A1 in size and can be portrait or landscape. Special equipment requests should be addressed to the workshop organisers when a poster has been accepted.

Those accepted as presentations or breakout groups will be contacted individually to discuss details. All other submissions will be acknowledged as either accepted posters, or as rejected.

Workshop places will be reserved for all participants with accepted contributions but individuals should still register and are expected to pay their own expenses. Due to the large demand on accommodation, we advise you to subscribe early - you may cancel your registration later if your submission is not successful.

Submissions on the following topics are welcome:

  1. Technical aspects:
    • the innovative use of the Open Archives Initiative in supporting scholarly communication,
    • the integration of OAI and GRID and/or learning technology sectors (cross domain scholarly communication),
    • the use of technologies other than OAI to support and extend scholarly communication (e.g., RSS, Wikis, Blogs),
    • internationalization technologies,
    • the management of data and information to facilitate scholarly communication.
  2. Library and Publishing Community aspects
    • repositories and institutional policy,
    • mandating deposit and/or the use of an institution's repository for quality assessment,
    • building services on top of a repository; subject repositories,
    • the publisher-library relationship and innovative models.

Abstracts can be submitted between 1st - 31st May. Decisions will be made by the end of June and communicated to the submitters.

To submit an abstract: login to the website by clicking on 'login' at the top of the page and by entering your account details or creating a new account. Then follow the menu link to submit a new abstract.

The call for abstracts is closed.