2 Experiments in nuclear astrophysics I
- Alan Shotter (TRIUMF)
Heide Costantini
(U Genova/Notre Dame U)
26/06/2006, 11:45
Experiments in nuclear astrophysics
Cross section measurements for quiescent stellar H and He burning are hampered
mainly by extremely low counting rate and cosmic background. Some of the main
reactions of H-burning phase have been measured at the LUNA facility
(Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) taking advantage of the very
low background environment of the Underground Gran Sasso National Laboratory in...
C Ruiz
(TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3, Canada)
26/06/2006, 12:15
Experiments in nuclear astrophysics
Oral contribution
The strength of the 188 keV resonance in the 26gAl(p,g)27Si reaction has been
measured directly in inverse kinematics using the DRAGON recoil separator at
TRIUMF-ISAC. Radioactive 26Al beams with peak intensities of 5 x 10^9 ions/sec were
utilised in conjunction with a windowless, recirculating hydrogen gas target. Recoil
27Si ions were separated and detected with a double-sided silicon...
Nicolas de Sereville
(Universite catholique de Louvain)
26/06/2006, 12:35
Experiments in nuclear astrophysics
Oral contribution
The 18F nucleus is one of the radioactive isotope produced during nova explosions. It
is of particular interest since it is the main responsible for the 511 keV gamma-ray
emission of novae that could be detected with the INTEGRAL satellite or future
gamma-rays telescope. The amount of 18F synthesised still suffers from large
uncertainties coming from missing nuclear information concerning...
Mats Lindroos
26/06/2006, 12:55
Experiments in nuclear astrophysics
Oral contribution
Rates of sub-barrier, radiative capture reactions involving radioactive reactants,
needed for understanding various astrophysics explosive scenarios, are often quite
difficult to measure directly at relevant stellar temperatures. In general
relatively intense radioactive beams (>1011/s) are needed for these inverse
kinematic studies, as cross sections are very low. A new production...