3 Nuclei far from stability
- Karlheinz Langanke (GSI, Darmstadt)
Karl-Ludwig Kratz
(Institut für Kernchemie, Universität Mainz)
26/06/2006, 14:30
Experiments in nuclear astrophysics
Nucleosynthesis theory predicts that about half of the chemical
elements above iron are formed in explosive stellar scenarios
by the r-process, i.e. a combination of rapid neutron captures,
inverse photodisintegrations, and slower beta-decays, beta-delayed
processes, as well as fission and possibly interactions with
neutrinos. A correct modelling of this process, therefore,...
Teresa Kurtukian-Nieto
(Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,Spain)
26/06/2006, 15:00
Experiments in nuclear astrophysics
Oral contribution
The complete understanding of the r-process still remains a challenge not only
because of the identification of the possible astrophysical sites but also because
of the interpretation of the observed abundances. With respect to this latter
point, one of the main problems we have to overcome to fully understand the
observed r-process abundances is the lack of information on the nuclei...
Gaute Hagen
26/06/2006, 15:20
Nuclei far from stability
Oral contribution
Investigations of rare isotopes in the laboratory are opening
the way to understand and clarify the properties of all nuclei and bulk
nuclear matter. In this talk I will assess where we stand today in
solving the nuclear problem and how future rare isotope facilities will
impact our understanding of nuclei and our ability to predict nuclear properties in
stellar and other environments....
David Lunney
(Université de Paris Sud)
26/06/2006, 15:40
Nuclei far from stability
The mass of nuclides far from stability provides information on decay and reaction
energies that is crucial for modeling stellar nucleosynthesis.
Low production rates, short half-lives, and the inherent precision required make
masses perhaps the most difficult nuclear quantity to measure.
The minuteness of the binding energy has also contributed to confounding attempts
at reliable...