Release 1.2 status meeting

513-1-27 (CERN)



Bob Jones (CERN)
This meeting will discuss the results of the testing activities and determine if EDG 1.2 is suitable for deployment on the production testbed. The meeting will include representatives from WP6 (the ITeam, testing group, site managers, support group), project management and application groups. Assuming the release is deployed on the production testbed, bugs and problems that arise will be handled via the new support structure. Each problem will be handled on a case-by-case basis where serious bugs will be candidates for patches while less pressing issues can be addressed in subsequent releases.
    • 09:00 09:20
      Testbed status report 20m 513-1-27



      Presents the status of the development testbed and the ITeam's view of its stability and suitability for large-scale deployment. This presentation should include a comparision of the announced release contents as given in the software release plan ( with the actual contents of release 1.2
      Speaker: Charles Loomis (WP6, ITeam)
    • 09:20 09:40
      WP10 report 20m 513-1-27



      Presents the status of the testing performed by the application group with release 1.2 and their view of its stability and suitability for large-scale deployment. This presentation should compare the release contents with the merged priority requirements list.
      Speaker: Vincent Breton (WP10)
    • 09:40 10:00
      WP8 report 20m 513-1-27



      Presents the status of the testing performed by the application group with release 1.2 and their view of its stability and suitability for large-scale deployment. This presentation should compare the release contents with the merged priority requirements list.
      Speaker: WP8
    • 10:00 10:20
      WP9 report 20m 513-1-27



      Presents the status of the testing performed by the application group with release 1.2 and their view of its stability and suitability for large-scale deployment. This presentation should compare the release contents with the merged priority requirements list.
      Speaker: WP9
    • 10:20 10:40
      Testing group report 20m 513-1-27



      Presents the status of the testing groups work with release 1.2 and their view of its stability and suitability for large-scale deployment. This presentation should also include a comparision of the assembled test material with the integration test-plan document( to identify which aspects have been covered in the testing of this release.
      Speaker: Andrea Formica Testing group
    • 10:40 11:00
      Discussion 20m 513-1-27



      Based on the reports heard the meeting should come to a decision about moving release 1.2 to the production testbed. If the event of a positive decision, a plan must be outlined at the meeting specifying the dates and sites to be involved. A date must also be set for making a roll-out meeting to announce to users the features of the new release and how to migrate their applications. Another point to be discussed is the quality measurement for the testbed proposed by WP8: 1% job failure over a 24 hour period. We need to understand if this is a reasonable measure and if it attainable in the near future.