LCG Persistency Workshop

from Wednesday 5 June 2002 (09:00) to Thursday 6 June 2002 (16:45)
CERN (160/1-009)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
5 Jun 2002
6 Jun 2002
LCG Persistency Project (until 12:30) (160/1-009)
09:00 LCG Persistency Project - Boundary Conditions and Overall Schedule - Wenaus, T (LCG Application Area Leader)   (160/1-009)
09:30 Deployment Requirements, Priorities and Component Breakdown - Duellmann, D (CERN IT/DB)   (160/1-009)
more information
10:30 --- Break ---
11:00 Transparent Navigation in CMS - Innocente, V (CMS/CERN)   (160/1-009)
11:30 Navigation in the ATLAS Hybrid Event Store - Adams, D (ATLAS/BNL)   (160/1-009)
12:00 Technology Independent Refs - Frank, M (LHCb/CERN)   (160/1-009)
Implementation Studies (until 12:30) (160/1-009)
09:00 ROOT Persistency for Foreign Objects - Brun, R (CERN/Root)   (160/1-009)
09:30 Extending ROOT Navigation - TLongRef / TGridFile - Brun, R (CERN/Root)   (160/1-009)
10:00 Gaudi Introspection - Roiser, St (LHCb/CERN)   (160/1-009)
10:30 --- Break ---
11:00 Ideas for a Dictionary Loading API - Perevoztchikov, V (ATLAS/BNL)   (160/1-009)
11:30 Performance, Concurrency and Stability Tests with a MySQL based Catalog - Xie, Z (CMS/CERN)   (160/1-009)
12:00 Cobra/ROOT Integration Studies - Tanenbaum, W (CMS/FNAL)   (160/1-009)
High Level Requirements and Issues (until 18:00) (160/1-009)
14:00 Some Notes on Logical File Names and Related Interfaces - Malon, D (ATLAS/ANL)   (160/1-009)
14:30 Role of the Data Dictionary - Mato, P (LHCb/CERN)   (160/1-009)
15:00 An RTAG View of Event Collections, and Early Implementations - Malon, D (ATLAS/ANL)   (160/1-009)
15:30 --- Break ---
16:00 EDG/Globus Replica Location Service - Status and Plans - Guy, L (CERN IT/DB)   (160/1-009)
16:30 BaBar production experience - Elmer, P (BaBar/Princeton)   (160/1-009)
17:00 Java Data Objects(JDO) for the LCG Persistency Framework - Hrivnac, J (ATLAS/LAL)   (160/1-009)
more information
Workplan and Task Assignment (until 16:45) (160/1-009)
14:00 More Draft Interfaces and Project Workplan - Duellmann, D (CERN IT/DB)   (160/1-009)
15:00 Discussion about Task Allocations and Preferences - All   (160/1-009)
16:00 --- Break ---
16:30 Wrap Up - Duellmann, D (CERN IT/DB)   (160/1-009)