Maria Jose Garcia Borge
For nuclei far from stability the differences in isobaric masses increases
quadratically and the binding energy of the last nucleon decreases dramatically
making beta-delayed particle emission the dominant decay channel at the drip lines.
Beta decay is a well understood process and allows for a wide variety of
spectroscopic information to be extracted from experiment: level energies, widths,
spins, isospins and level densities. Via this process and detailed studies of the
particle emission our understanding of nuclear structure and nuclear dynamics can be
tested even in rare drip line nuclei. Some phenomena, such as multi-particle
emission, are unique to these very exotic nuclei.
The key nuclei to understand how a complex system can be constructed from a few
ingredients are often the very neutron or proton rich, since such exotic systems
allow to isolate and amplify specific aspects of the nucleonic interactions. For
instance, some of them uniquely display the physics of loosely bound quantal systems
governed by the strong interaction. Decay studies can be performed with very low
yields and the very selective rules they obey make them a powerful and unique tool
in such nuclear structure studies.
In this presentation some key nuclei will be presented and it will be shown how the
combined use of pure beams from ISOLDE, a selective and clean probe - the beta decay-
and state of art detection system has allowed to answer some of the questions
mentioned above. Some possibilities for future studies of this type will be
Maria Jose Garcia Borge