- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The various experiment Use Cases, data volumes, flows and rates will be presented.
In particular, reprocessing at Tier1s, detector calibration processing and analysis use cases should be addressed (including Tier1-Tier1, Tier1<->Tier2 transfers, and TierX<->TierY transfers).
The text below is now a summary of the BOF conclusions ordered logically; see the "minutes" link for a more faithful record of the discussions.
Those present reviewed possible storage service classes that could be provided by storage systems to see which were relevant for the LHC experiments. In the interest of time, we concentrated on storage of large production data files rather than user files. The list of possible service classes is shown in the attached document. Service classes in bold font were identified as required for SC4, greyed out service classes were thought to be of little relevance even in the long term.
Three possible options for the experiments to specify which storage class to use were also discussed, although rather briefly.
It was agreed that
[Discussion Monday during coffee (Tony, Don, Timur, Don, Graeme): multiple SRM endpoints look difficult, but probably not required. Advertise multiple Storage Areas (SAs) (with GlueSAType durable or permanent), each of which has an associated path which is VO specific. To be discussed internally by each storage system provider; response in next 10days. Note: This is in context of SRM 1.1, not SRM 2.1. which won\'t be used for (start of) SC4.] Still the case that long term solution is to be decided.
At the closeout session on Monday, it was agreed that system providers should return with a proposal of how the GlueSAType can be advertised (see attached Glue considerations document). It was further agreed that