Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Management Board



Les Robertson
16:00 CERN/10:00 EDT/09:00 CDT

Telephone conference:
a. Dial +41227676000 and enter access code 0193503, or
b. To have the system call you, click here:

Email Distribution List:

    • AGENDA
      • 1
        Minutes and Matters Arising
      • 2
        Action List Review
      • 3
        SC4 Status: Summary of Experiments Plans for SC4 Startup
        The attached draft is based upon input received from the experiments up until May 17th - the target date agreed - and as compiled by Harry Renshall (see link to Wiki and attached documents). (Exceptionally, some additional clarifications received after that time by e-mail have also been included).
        Speaker: J.Shiers
      • 4
        gLite 3: JRA1 Middleware development plans
        Speaker: J.White
        • a) Open Issues from Task Forces
          more information
        • b) LCG SC4 Services: Flavia\'s List
          Comments from Jamie: This is Flavia's list as found on the LCG MB planning page (see under SC4 middleware) with updates from the following:

          • Gavin McCance and Paolo Badino regarding FTS
          • Jean-Philippe Baud regarding DPM, LFC and gFAL
          • Maria Dimou regarding VOMS
          • Laurence Field regarding R-GMA (and also confirmation regarding the Information System)

          Rows not scheduled to be delivered in gLite 3.0 are hidden.

          more information
      • 5