LCG Internal Review of Services

IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium


Volker Gülzow

LCG Project - Internal Review of the LCG Services

Purpose & Scope

The review panel is asked to examine the state of readiness of the LCG services at the beginning of Service Challenge 4. The scope of the review covers all aspects of the project, except the Applications Area for which a separate internal review process is used.

Members of the review panel

  • Volker Gülzow (DESY) - chair
  • Jeff Templon (NIKHEF)
  • John Gordon (RAL)
  • Frank Würthwein (UCSD)
  • Allessandro de Salvo (INFN-Rome)

The mandate of the review is available at

Please note that the first session (morning of Thursday 8 June) takes place in building 13, room 2-005. The other sessions are in the IT amphitheatre.

For the first session (morning of Thursday 8 June):Telephone conference: +41 22 767 7000 : "LCG Internal Review" chaired by Volker Gulzow.

For the other sessions: VRVS: Island Virtual Room

more information
  • Thursday 8 June
    • Thursday morning 13-2-5



      • 1
        Closed Session: Introduction and mission
        Speaker: Volker Gülzow (DESY)
      • 2
        Review of Tier-1 Sites - part 1
        • a) ASGC
        • b) CNAF
        • c) FZK-GridKA
      • 11:00
      • 3
        Review of Tier-1 sites - Part 2
        • a) IN2P3
        • b) NDGF
        • c) Netherlands Tier-1
      • 12:30
    • Thursday afternoon IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      • 4
        Review of Tier-1 sites - part 3
        • a) BNL
        • b) RAL
        • c) PIC
        • d) FNAL
      • 15:30
      • 5
        Review of Tier-1 sites - part 4
        • a) TRIUMF
      • 6
        Closed session
    • Friday morning - Middleware issues IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      • 7
        EGEE Middleware Priorities and Plans
        Speaker: Claudio Grandi (INFN-Bologna)
      • 8
        OSG Middleware - Status and Directions
        Speaker: Ruth Pordes (FNAL)
        more information
      • 9
        Experiments' view of basic services that are missing
        The experiments have been asked to provide their views in writing prior to the review. These will be summarised.
      • 10:40
      • 10
        Grid interoperability issues
        Speaker: Laurence Field (CERN)
      • 11
        EGEE test and distribution process
        Post mortem of the gLite 3.0 exercise, and future strategy and plans. Presentation 30 minutes followed by discussion.
        Speaker: Markus Schulz (CERN)
        more information
      • 12:40
    • Friday afternoon IT Auditorium

      IT Auditorium


      • 12
        SRM 2.x Planning
        Report of the conclusions of the FNAL workshop
        Speaker: Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
      • 13
        Castor 2 review conclusions
        Summary of the conclusions of the internal review of the Castor 2 system
        Speaker: Don Petravick (CERN)