3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
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Role of low-energy observables in precision Higgs boson analyses (15' + 5')

4 Aug 2016, 18:40
Chicago 10

Chicago 10

Oral Presentation Higgs Physics Higgs Physics


Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)


A conventional approach to precision calculations of Higgs boson observables uses quark masses $m_c$ and $m_b$ as inputs. However, quark masses are single numbers that hide a variety of low-energy data from which they are extracted, and also hide the various sources of theoretical uncertainties and correlations with additional input parameters such as $\alpha_s$. Higher-precision calculations, which are needed to give meaning to future measurements, require more direct engagement with the low-energy data in a global analysis. We present an initial calculation in this direction, which illustrates the procedure and reveals some of the theory uncertainties that challenge subpercent determinations of Higgs boson partial widths.

Primary author

Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)


James Daniel Wells (University of Michigan (US)) Stefan Pokorski (University of Warsaw (PL)) Zhengkang Zhang (University of Michigan)

Presentation materials