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3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
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Measurement of the ridge correlations in pp and pPb collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC (15' + 5')

4 Aug 2016, 16:10
Superior B

Superior B

Sheraton Grand Chicago 301 East Water Street Chicago IL 60611 USA
Oral Presentation Heavy Ions Heavy Ions


Anne Marie Sickles (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))


ATLAS measurement of azimuthal correlations between particle pairs at large pseudorapidity separation in pp and pPb collisions are presented. The data were collected using a combination of the minimum-bias and high track-multiplicity triggers. A detailed study of the dependence of two-particle correlations on the charged particle multiplicity, transverse momentum of the pair constituents and the pseudorapidity separation between particles forming a pair is shown. Measurements of multi-particle cumulants in the azimuthal angles of produced particles in wide pseudorapidity (|η|<2.5) and multiplicity ranges, with the aim to extract a single particle anisotropy coefficient, v1-v5, are also presented. These measurements can help to understand the origin of the long-range correlations seen in high-multiplicity pp and p+Pb collisions.

Presentation materials