Ran Zhou
(Fermi national accelerator laboratory)
$B$-meson rare decays such as $B \to K(\pi) \ell^+\ell^-$ and
$B \to K(\pi) \nu \bar{\nu}$ occur through flavor changing neutral current.
They are used to probe new physics signals, because the Standard Model
contributions are suppressed. Recent lattice-QCD studies by Fermilab
lattice and MILC collaborations improved the accuracy of the form factors
which parametrize the hadronic matrix elements in these processes. In this
talk, I will present the updated results of Standard Model predictions
such as partially-integrated branching fractions and constraints on CKM
matrix elements calculated
from new form factors. I will also summarize the tensions between
Standard-Model predictions and current experimental results of the
$B$-meson rare decays.
Ran Zhou
(Fermi national accelerator laboratory)