David Murphy
(Columbia University)
Lattice calculations of low energy QCD matrix elements are an important ingredient in precision tests of Standard Model physics. In this talk we will report on some of the RBC-UKQCD collaboration's recent calculations with physical quark masses, relevant to light flavor physics --- including the pion and kaon decay constants, the Kl3 form factors, and the kaon bag parameter --- and their implications for CKM matrix elements. Our domain wall fermion simulations, which preserve the chiral symmetries of continuum QCD on the lattice, also allow for determinations of the low energy constants of chiral perturbation theory. We present low energy constants from fits of our data to both NLO and NNLO SU(2) and SU(3) chiral perturbation theory, discuss the reliability of the chiral expansion, and use the low energy constants we obtain to predict various physical quantities.
David Murphy
(Columbia University)