Neutrino physics is one of the most active fields in the modern nuclear and particle physics. All the mixing angles and mass differences are measured with the solar, the reactor, and the accelerator driven neutrino oscillation experiments. Yet, the mass of the lightest neutrino is not known and whether the neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana particles, is also not determined. Neutrino-less double beta decay experiment can answer both of the questions directly, and ultra-low backgrounds and excellent energy resolution are critical to discover this ultra rare phenomena. AMoRE experiment is a state-of-art experiment based on low temperature MMC sensor and ultra pure molybdate crystals containing highly enriched isotopes. It’s sensitivity goal is reaching 10^27 years of half-life and down to 15-40 meV neutrino mass.
The existence of sterile neutrinos is speculated in a few experiments and in a variety of theories. NEOS experiment performed at a commercial reactor made a new result in the parameter space of the sterile neutrinos. Some future perspectives for reactor neutrino experiments will be presented.