3โ€“10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.


Detector: R&D and Performance

4 Aug 2016, 09:00
Chicago IL USA

Chicago IL USA

Sheraton Grand Chicago 301 East Water Street Chicago IL 60611 USA


Detector: R&D and Performance: Overview

  • Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Calorimeter

  • Marzio Nessi (CERN)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Trigger/DAQ

  • Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Tracking Detectors

  • Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Trigger/DAQ

  • Marzio Nessi (CERN)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Photodetectors

  • Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Generic R&D

  • Marzio Nessi (CERN)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Photodetectors

  • Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Performance

  • Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)

Detector: R&D and Performance: PID and RICH

  • Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)

Detector: R&D and Performance: Neutrinos

  • Marzio Nessi (CERN)

Presentation materials

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Building timetable...