Detector: R&D and Performance: Overview
- Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Calorimeter
- Marzio Nessi (CERN)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Trigger/DAQ
- Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Tracking Detectors
- Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Trigger/DAQ
- Marzio Nessi (CERN)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Photodetectors
- Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Generic R&D
- Marzio Nessi (CERN)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Photodetectors
- Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Performance
- Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)
Detector: R&D and Performance: PID and RICH
- Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)
Detector: R&D and Performance: Neutrinos
- Marzio Nessi (CERN)
Andrew White
(University of Texas at Arlington)
04/08/2016, 09:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The SiD Detector for the future International Linear Collider will deliver superb performance for high precision Higgs and Top measurements, and will have excellent sensitivity to a wide range of possible new phenomena. SiD features a compact, cost-constrained design, with a robust silicon vertex and tracking system, which, combined with a 5 Tesla central solenoidal field, provides excellent...
Guido Volpi
(Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))
04/08/2016, 09:20
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
fter the successful operation at the center-of-mass energies of 7 andย 8 TeV in 2010 - 2012, the LHC is ramped up and successfully took data at the center-of-mass energies of 13 TeV in 2015. Meanwhile, plans are actively advancing for a series of upgrades of the accelerator, culminating roughly ten years from now in the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, delivering of the order of five times...
Jarek Kaspar
(University of Washington)
04/08/2016, 09:40
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab will collect more than 20 times the data obtained in the BNL E821 measurement of the muonโs anomalous magnetic moment. Because $g \neq 2$, the spin of a muon confined in a magnetic storage ring precesses slightly faster than the cyclotron frequency; the difference between these frequencies is proportional to the magnetic moment anomaly. The signature of...
Sergei Chekanov
(Argonne National Laboratory (US))
04/08/2016, 10:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Monte Carlo (MC) event samples with simulation of detector response are an essential part of the strategic planning for future energy-frontier experiments, such as High-Luminosity LHC, ILC (International Linear Collider), FCC (Future Circular Collider),ย CEPC (Circular Electron Positron Collider), SPPC (Super Proton-Proton Collider) and other future particle collider proposals. This talk...
04/08/2016, 10:20
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The high energy Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC) is envisioned to be installed in a tunnel of at least 54 km in circumference. The CEPC physics program includes high precision measurements of the Higgs boson and the study of the electroweak physics. The CEPC may be upgraded to a Super proton-proton Collider (SppC), which can explore the physics landscape at o(100) TeV in...
Shin-Shan Yu
(National Central University (TW))
04/08/2016, 10:40
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
We study detector performance of Higgs boson identification variables at very high energy proton colliders. We study Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quarks with transverse momentum in the multi-TeV range. Detectors are benchmarked in various configurations in order to understand the impact of granularity and resolution on boosted Higgs boson discrimination.
Toyoko Orimoto
(Northeastern University (US))
04/08/2016, 11:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will provide unprecedented instantaneous and integrated luminosity. The lead tungstate crystals forming the barrel part of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) will still perform well, even after the expected integrated luminosity of 3000fb-1 at the end of HL-LHC. The avalanche photodiodes (APDs) used to detect the...
Oleksandr Borysov
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
04/08/2016, 11:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
This talk will summarize recent R&D developments for very compact calorimeters designed for
precise luminosity measurement (LumiCal) and beam monitoring (BeamCal) in the very-forward region of future linear colliders. Silicon pad sensors for LumiCal have been equipped with modern read-out electronics and tested in the laboratory. Ultra-compact assemblies of these sensors, with only 1 mm...
David Hitlin
04/08/2016, 12:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab searches for the charged-lepton flavor violating
neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of
a aluminum nucleus. The dynamics of such a process is well
modelled by a two-body decay, resulting in a mono-energetic electron with
an energy slightly below the muon rest mass (104.967 MeV).
If no events are observed in three years of...
Zhigang Wang
04/08/2016, 12:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
This article presents the status of a highly granular scintillator-based electromagnetic calorimeter (ScW Ecal) proposed to realize Particle Flow Algorithm for the CEPC. The ScW Ecal is a sandwich calorimeter consists of sampling and sensitive layers. The material of tungsten is selected as absorb material. The active layers are plastic scintillators consisting of 5ร45 mm2 scintillator strips....
Ryne Michael Carbone
(Columbia University (US))
04/08/2016, 12:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The upgrade of the LHC will bring instantaneous and total
luminosities which are a factor 5-7 beyond the original design of the
ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) and Tile Calorimeters and their read-out
systems. Due to radiation requirements and a new hardware
trigger concept the read-out electronics will be improved in two
phases. In Phase-I, a dedicated read-out of the LAr Calorimeters will
test beam results on W-fiber and tilted plate calorimeters for a new RHIC experiment (12' + 3')
Achim Franz
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
04/08/2016, 12:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Achim Franz
Brookhaven National Laboratory
for the (s)PHENIX collaboration
Over the 16 years of data taking at the Relativistic Heavy Ion collider, RHIC at BNL it became important to identify and analyze jets in the heavy ion collisions. Comparing jets from partons traversing the hot and dense medium to ones created in vacuum sheds light on the microscopic structure of the quark gluon...
Huong Lan Tran
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
04/08/2016, 13:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The CALICE collaboration is developing highly granular calorimeters primarily to establish those technologies for experiments at a future lepton collider optimized for particle flow event reconstruction. These technologies are now also finding applications in other areas, such as upgrades for the LHC. After the successful validation of the principle of imaging calorimeters with different...
Brad Cox
(University of Virginia (US))
04/08/2016, 13:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Over the last four years, a group of institutions active in the CMS experiment have developed with beam tests, radiation damage studies, and simulations a sampling EM calorimeter option that consists of two endcap 30,000 element LYSO/W plate configurations that would provide superb EM resolution for photons and electrons of order (10%)/โE+1%. When coupled with the existing HE hadron...
Othmane Rifki
(University of Oklahoma (US))
04/08/2016, 14:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The ATLAS detector uses a real time selective triggering system to reduce the high interaction rate from 40 MHz to its data storage capacity of 1 kHz. A hardware first level trigger limits the rate to 100 kHz and a software high level trigger selects events for offline analysis. By building on the experience gained during the successful first run of the LHC, the ATLAS Trigger and Data...
Edmundo Garcia-Solis
(Chicago State University (US))
04/08/2016, 14:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The ALICE Collaboration is preparing a major detector upgrade for the second LHC long shutdown (2019-20). The LHC heavy-ion luminosity and collision rate from 2021 onwards will considerably exceed the design parameters of the present ALICE forward trigger detectors. Furthermore, the introduction of a new Muon Forward Tracker will significantly reduce the space available for the upgraded...
Alex Tapper
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
04/08/2016, 15:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment has implemented a
sophisticated two-level online selection system that achieves
a rejection factor of nearly 10e5. During Run II, the LHC will
increase its centre-of-mass energy up to 13 TeV and progressively
reach an instantaneous luminosity of 2e34cm-2s-1. In order to
guarantee a successful and ambitious physics programme under
Chang-Seong Moon
(UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))
04/08/2016, 15:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
We present feasibility studies to investigate the performances and interest of a Level-1 trigger based on pixels. The Level-1 (real-time) pixel based tracking trigger is a novel trigger system that is based on the real-time track reconstruction algorithms able to cope with very high rates and high flux of data in a very harsh environment. The pixel detector has an especially crucial role in...
Joana Machado Miguens
(University of Pennsylvania (US))
04/08/2016, 15:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The LHC, at design capacity, has a bunch-crossing rate of 40 MHz whereas the ATLAS experiment has an average recording rate of about 1000 Hz. To reduce the rate of events but still maintain high efficiency of selecting rare events such as physics signals beyond the Standard Model, a two-level trigger system is used in ATLAS. Events are selected based on physics signatures such as presence of...
Lucian Stefan Ancu
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
04/08/2016, 15:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The next LHC runs, with a significant increase in instantaneous luminosity, will provide a big challenge for the trigger and data acquisition systems of all the experiments. An intensive use of the tracking information at the trigger level will be important to keep high efficiency for interesting events despite the increase in multiple collisions per bunch crossing. In order to increase the...
Fernando Monticelli
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata (AR))
04/08/2016, 16:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Electron and photon triggers covering transverse energies from 5 GeV
to several TeV are essential for signal selection in a wide variety
of ATLAS physics analyses to study Standard Model processes and to
search for new phenomena. Final states including leptons and photons
had, for example, an important role in the discovery and measurement
of the Higgs particle. Dedicated triggers are also...
Jose David Ruiz Alvarez
(Universidad de los Andes (CO))
04/08/2016, 16:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
A new data acquisition and on-line control system is being developed for gas-electron multiplier (GEM) detectors which will be installed in the forward region (1.6 < |ฮท| < 2.2) of the CMS muon spectrometer during the 2nd long shutdown of the LHC, planned for the period 2018-2019. A prototype system employs the TOTEM VFAT2 ASIC that will eventually be replaced with the VFAT3 ASIC, under...
Antonio Paladino
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
04/08/2016, 17:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB flavor factory will operate at an unprecedented luminosity of $8\times 10^{35} cm^{2} s^{-1}$, which is about 40 times larger than its predecessor Belle experiment. The vertex detector is composed of two-layer DEPFET pixel detector (PXD) and four-layer double-sided silicon microstrip detector (SVD). To achieve a precise vertex position determination and...
Dominik Dannheim
04/08/2016, 17:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The physics aims at the future CLIC high-energy linear e+e- collider set very high precision requirements on the performance of the vertex and tracking detectors. Moreover, these detectors have to be well adapted to the experimental conditions, such as the time structure of the collisions and the presence of beam-induced backgrounds. The principal challenges are: a point resolution of a few...
Stefano De Capua
(University of Manchester (GB))
04/08/2016, 17:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The upgrade of the LHCb experiment, scheduled for LHC Run-3, will transform the experiment to a triggerless system reading out the full detector at 40 MHz event rate. All data reduction algorithms will be executed in a high-level software farm. enabling the detector to run at luminosities of $ \rm{2 \times 10^{33}/cm^2/s}$.
The Vertex Locator (VELO) is the silicon vertex detector surrounding...
Petra Merkel
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
04/08/2016, 17:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The innermost layers of the CMS tracker are built out of pixel detectors arranged in three barrel layers (BPIX) and two forward disks in each endcap (FPIX). The original CMS detector was designed for the nominal instantaneous LHC luminosity of 1 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1. Under the conditions expected in the coming years, which will see an increase of a factor two of the instantaneous luminosity, the...
Susanne Kuehn
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
04/08/2016, 18:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The planned HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC) in 2025 is being designed to maximise the physics potential of the LHC through a sizeable increase in the luminosity, totalling 1x1035cm-2s-1 after 10 years of operation. A consequence of this increased luminosity is the expected radiation damage at a integrated luminosity of 3000fb-1, requiring the tracking...
Georg Auzinger
04/08/2016, 18:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The LHC machine is planning an upgrade program which will
smoothly bring the luminosity at about 5*10^34cm-2s-1 in 2028,
to possibly reach an integrated luminosity of 3000fb-1 by the
end of 2037. This High Luminosity LHC scenario, HL-LHC, will
require a preparation program of the LHC detectors known as
Phase-2 upgrade. The current CMS Tracker, including both inner
pixel and...
Mapo Giordani
(Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT))
04/08/2016, 18:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Run-2 of the LHC is providing new challenges to track and vertex
reconstruction with higher energies, denser jets and higher rates.
Therefore the ATLAS experiment has constructed the first 4-layer Pixel detector in HEP, installing a new Pixel layer, also called Insertable B-Layer (IBL).
IBL is a fourth layer of pixel detectors, and has been installed in May 2014 at a radius of 3.3 cm between...
Bipul Bhuyan
(IIT Guwahati)
04/08/2016, 18:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
This talk presents the reference near detector for DUNE is a fine-grained tracker (FGT). The FGT comprises straw tube tracker (STT), with continuous transition radiation (TR) measurement capability and having an average density of liquid-hydrogen, surrounded by electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL). The STT and ECAL are embedded in a large dipole magnet. Muon detectors, composed of RPCs,...
Makoto Motoyoshi
(Tohoku-MincroTec Co., Ltd (T-Micro))
04/08/2016, 19:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
A 3D-IC (Three Dimensional Integrated Circuit) is an effective solution for reducing the manufacturing costs of advanced 2D LSI while ensuring equivalent device performance and functionalities. This technology allows for a new device architecture of stacked detectors/sensor devices with a small dead sensor area and facilitates hyper-parallel data processing. In pixel detectors, many...
Vitaly Pronskikh
05/08/2016, 09:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab is being designed to study the coherent neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of a nucleus. This process has an extremely low probability in the Standard Model, and its observation would provide unambiguous evidence for BSM physics. The current Mu2e design aims to reach a single-event-sensitivity of about $2.5 \cdot 10^{-17}$...
Peter Lewis
(University of Hawaii)
05/08/2016, 09:20
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+e^-$ collider has now started
commissioning and is working towards its design luminosity of
$8 \times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. The collisions will be recorded
and analyzed with the Belle II spectrometer, the construction of which is
on-going at the roll-out position. Highlights will include the outcome
of Phase I commissioning of the SuperKEKB...
Mandy Rominsky
05/08/2016, 09:40
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Fermilab Test Beam Facility is a world class facility for testing and characterizing particle detectors. The facility has been in operation since 2005 and has undergone significant upgrades in the last two years. A second beam line with cryogenic support has been added and the facility has adopted a unified data acquisition system. The facility also recently added a cosmic telescope test...
Roberto Guida
05/08/2016, 10:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade is setting a new challenge for particle detector technologies. The increase in luminosity will produce a higher particle background with respect to present conditions. Detector performance and stability at LHC and future system upgrades will remain the subject of extensive studies.
The present contribution describes the new Gamma Irradiation Facility...
Diego Andrade
(Universidad de Guanajuato),
Julian Felix
(Instituto de Fisica, Universidad de Guanajuato. Mexico)
05/08/2016, 10:20
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Here is the design, the construction and characterization of a hybrid cosmic rays detector based on drift tube and Cherenkov radiation detector with two ionization detection channels and two Cherenkov radiation detection channels operating simultaneously. The basic detection cell is a structural Aluminum tube of 2.54 cm x 2.54 cm cross section, 1.01 m long and 0.1 cm thick tube interiorly...
Lindsey Gray
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
05/08/2016, 10:40
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The challenges of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) are driven by the large number of overlapping proton-proton collisions (pileup) in each bunch-crossing and the extreme radiation dose to detectors positioned at high pseudorapidity. To overcome this challenge CMS is designing and implementing an endcap electromagnetic+hadronic sampling calorimeter employing silicon pad devices in the...
shulin Liu
05/08/2016, 14:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) to be built in JiangMen, Guangdong province in south China is a generic underground national lab for neutrino physics and other research fields. Its neutrino program requires a high performance large detector, which needs approximately 16,000 Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs), that have large sensitive area, high quantum efficiency, high gain and...
David Cussans
(University of Bristol (GB))
05/08/2016, 14:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
High precision, large area time of flight detectors could be a key element in strategies for coping with the extreme pile-up conditions expected in the high luminosity LHC. Very high precision (O(10ps)) timing information could be used to associate photons with the correct primary interaction vertex amongst the many present in the each bunch crossing. Such systems are being developed,...
Michael Minot
(Incom Inc.)
05/08/2016, 15:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
We report pilot production results achieved for Large Area Picosecond Photodetectors (LAPPDโข). The LAPPDโข is a microchannel plate (MCP) based photodetector, capable of imaging with single-photon sensitivity at high spatial and temporal resolutions in a hermetic package with an active area of 400 square centimeters. In December 2015, Incom Inc. completed installation of equipment and...
Ranjan Dharmapalan
(Argonne National Laboratory)
05/08/2016, 15:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
A number of current and upcoming neutrino and dark matter search
experiments employ noble liquid or gases as the detector medium.
Operating at cryogenic temperatures, these experiments rely on
scintillation light from particle interactions in the medium to infer
time and/or position of interaction, crucial for reconstruction and
background rejection.
The Argonne Microchannel Plate (MCP)...
Jingbo Wang
(Argonne National Laboratory)
05/08/2016, 15:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Argonne Microchannel Plate (MCP) Photodetector Group has produced 6cm ร 6cm active area MCP photodetectors that feature fabrication with low-cost borosilicate glass, bialkali photocathodes, single photoelectron time resolution of approximately 30ps, and sub-millimeter spatial resolution. We report on the design, fabrication technology, and test results of production runs of an improved...
anil mane
05/08/2016, 15:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
We report a cost-effective and production doable path to fabricate robust large-area microchannel plates (MCPs), which offers the new prospective in larger area MCP-based detector technologies. We used atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) a thin film nanostructures growth technique, to independently adjust the desired electrical resistance and secondary electron emission (SEE) properties of low cost...
Andrey Elagin
(University of Chicago)
05/08/2016, 16:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
In order to bring the price down of MCP-based detectors such as
the LAPPD$^{TM}$, we are developing an assembly process
that does not involve an expensive vacuum transfer. This process
requires making a hermetic seal between the top window and the
detector body during the detector bake-out in vacuum. We have
demonstrated a robust technique to make a hermetic indium vacuum seal
between a glass...
Junqi Xie
(Argonne National Laboratory)
05/08/2016, 16:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Planar microchannel plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMTs) with bialkali photocathodes are able to achieve single photon detection with excellent time (picosecond) and spatial (millimeter) resolution. They have drawn great interests in experiments requiring time of flight (TOF) measurement and/or Cherenkov imaging. Recently, the Argonne ALD manufactured MCPs and photodetector group has...
Mauricio Garcia-Sciveres
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
05/08/2016, 17:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
A pixel readout test chip called FE65-P2 has been fabricated on 65nm CMOS technology and tested with and without bump bonded sensors. FE65-P2 contains a matrix of 64 x 64 pixels on 50 micron by
50 micron pitch, designed to read out a bump bonded sensor. The goals of FE65-P2 are to demonstrate excellent analog performance, isolated from digital activity well enough to achieve 500 electron...
Filippo Resnati
05/08/2016, 17:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Micro Pattern Gas Detector Technologies and Applications:
an overview of the CERN-RD51 Collaboration activities
Driven by the availability of modern photolithographic techniques, Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) have been introduced at the end of the 20th century by pioneer developments: Microstrip Gas Chambers (MSGC), Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) and Micromegas, later followed by...
Masashi Tanaka
(Waseda University)
05/08/2016, 17:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Liquid argon is known as an excellent target material for WIMP dark
matter direct search experiment.
Use of its ionization and scintillation signals, and scintillation
pulse shape provides strong discrimination between
the electron and nuclear recoil events.
Relatively small atomic mass (A=40) gives higher
nuclear recoil energy for WIMP-Ar nuclear scattering,
thus it potentially has higher...
Mauro Iodice
(INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre)
05/08/2016, 17:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Large size resistive Micromegas detectors will be employed for the first time in high-energy physics experiments for the Muon Spectrometer upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The current innermost stations of the muon endcap system, the Small Wheel, will be upgraded for LHC Run3 and for HL-LHC to retain the good precision tracking and trigger capabilities in the high background...
Rainer Wallny
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
05/08/2016, 18:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Results from prototypes of a novel detector using chemical vapour deposited (CVD) diamond and resistive electrodes in the bulk forming a 3D diamond device will be presented. The electrodes of the device were fabricated with laser assisted phase change of diamond into a combination of diamond-like-carbon, amorphous carbon and graphite. The connections to the electrodes of the 3D device were...
Jelena Ninkovic
(MPG Halbleiterlabor)
05/08/2016, 18:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Max Planck Society Semiconductor Laboratory is actively pushing present scientific frontiers by providing sensors for the cutting edge research projects. Main focus of the Lab is the development of commercially not available silicon sensors for different scientific projects. The sensor technology of the Lab is specially adapted to the requirements of semiconductor radiation detectors providing...
Miguel Sofo Haro
(Instituto Balseiro-CAB-CONICET)
05/08/2016, 18:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Scientific grade CCDs show atractive capabilities for the detection of particles with small energy deposition in matter. Their very low threshold of approximately 40 eV (5 sigma) and their good spatial reconstruction of the event are key properties for currently running experiments using this technology: CONNIE experiment aiming the detection of the neutrino-nucleus coherent interaction using...
K.K. Gan
(The Ohio State University (US))
05/08/2016, 18:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The LHC has recently been upgraded to operate at higher energy and luminosity. In addition, there are plans for further upgrades. These upgrades require the optical links of the experiments to transmit data at much higher speed in a more intense radiation environment. We have designed an ASIC that contains four high-speed/radiation-hard drivers to operate an array of four VCSELs at 10 Gb/s....
Hyangkyu Park
(Institute for Basic Science)
05/08/2016, 19:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The AMoRE (Advanced Mo-based Rare process Experiment) is aiming at search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of 100Mo with 100Mo-enriched and 48Ca-depleted calcium molybdate (CMO) crystals with the chemical formula, 48deplCa100MoO4. The final goal of the experiment is to explore the entire effective Majoran neutrino mass...
Justin Pilot
(University of California Davis (US))
06/08/2016, 09:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The present CMS muon system operates three different detector types: in
the barrel drift tubes (DT) and resistive plate chambers (RPC), along with
cathode strip chambers (CSC) and another set of RPCs in the forward regions.
In order to cope with increasingly challenging conditions various upgrades
are planned to the trigger and muon systems.
In view of the operating conditions at HL-LHC, it...
Rimsky Alejandro Rojas
(Federico Santa Maria Technical University (CL))
06/08/2016, 09:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The instantaneous luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will be increased up to a factor of five with respect to the design value by undergoing an extensive upgrade program over the coming decade. Such increase will allow for precise measurements of Higgs boson properties and extend the search for new physics phenomena beyond the Standard Model. The largest phase-1 upgrade project...
Ourania Sidiropoulou
(Bayerische Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))
06/08/2016, 09:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
In recent years, Micromegas detectors become more and more important for large scale tracking systems in particles physics. In this presentation, we report on the construction of two prototype detector quadruplets with an area of 0.5 m2 per plane, based on the resistive-strip technology, which can be used for precision tracking in high rate environments. The detectors were built in a modular...
Bernd Surrow
(Temple University)
06/08/2016, 09:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Many current experiments are already using detectors which consist of large area GEMs and with
even more future experiments proposing new detectors that utilize very large-area GEMs, there
is a need for commercially available GEM foils. Currenty CERN is the only main distributor of
GEM foils, however with the growing interest in GEM technology, keeping up with the increasing
demand for GEMs...
Hugh Lippincott
06/08/2016, 10:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Next generation liquid xenon TPCs are poised to increase our sensitivity to dark matter by two orders of magnitude over a wide range of possible dark matter candidates. This abstract describes an idea to expand the reach and flexibility of such detectors even further, by adding helium and neon to the xenon to enable searches for very light dark matter and combining high and low Z targets in...
Philipp Jonathan Loesel
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
06/08/2016, 10:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Currently m$^2$ large Micromegas detectors with a spatial resolution better than 100 $\mu$m are of big interest for many experiments.
Due to their size the construction of these detectors is highly sophisticated and needs to fulfill strict mechanical tolerances.
We developed a method to survey working detectors on potential deviations of the micro pattern readout structures from design...
Alain Bellerive
(Carleton University (CA))
06/08/2016, 10:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Significant R&D on detectors for the future International Linear Collider (ILC) has been carried out during the last few years. The International Large Detector (ILD) is one detector concept at the ILC where calorimetry and tracking systems are combined. The tracking system consists of a Si vertex detector, forward tracking disks and a large volume Time Projection Chamber (TPC).
A TPC using...
Mauro Verzetti
(University of Rochester (US))
06/08/2016, 11:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Identification of jets originating from b or c quarks is important for a wide variety of standard model physics (e.g. final states involving top quarks and Higgs bosons) as well as searches for physics beyond the standard model. Due to the increased center of mass energy in Run 2, final states with boosted b-quark jets become increasingly important. The CMS collaboration developed a number of...
Sarah Heim
(University of Pennsylvania (US))
06/08/2016, 11:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The performance of the reconstruction, calibration and identification of
electrons and photons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is a key component to
realize the ATLAS full physics potential, both in the searches for new physics
and in precision measurements.
The algorithms used for the reconstruction and identification of electrons
and photons with the ATLAS detector during LHC run 2...
Simone Pagan Griso
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
06/08/2016, 11:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Run-2 of the LHC has provided new challenges to track and vertex reconstruction with higher energies, denser jets and higher rates. In addition, the Insertable B-layer (IBL) is a fourth pixel layer, which has been inserted at the centre of ATLAS during the shutdown of the LHC. We will present results showing the performance of the track and vertex reconstruction algorithm using Run-2 data at...
Robert Schoefbeck
(Ghent University (BE))
06/08/2016, 12:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The precise understanding of the missing transverse momentum observable is crucial for searches for processes beyond the Standard Model as well as for precision measurements. The high collision rate at the CMS detector during the 13 TeV data-taking periods of the LHC poses challenges to reconstruction far beyond those previously overcome. We will present the performance of missing energy in...
Bernhard Matthias Flierl
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
06/08/2016, 12:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Full track reconstruction for charged particles in thin gaseous
detectors can be achieved using a Time-Projection-Chamber like (TPC)
readout and analysis method.
This method has proven to be very successfull for thermal neutron
detection in gaseous electron multiplier (GEM) detectors,
based on the full track reconstruction of the charged
Helium and Lithium ions
produced in a thin $^{10}$B...
Animesh Chatterjee
06/08/2016, 12:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Liquid Argon In A Testbeam (LArIAT) experiment is a 0.26 ton active mass Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) located at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility. The LArIAT TPC is exposed to a tertiary beam comprised of mostly pions along with a mix of muons, protons, kaons, and electrons in the range ~200 MeV to 2 GeV. The beamline is instrumented with detectors that aid in...
Isabel Ojalvo
(University of Wisconsin-Madison (US))
06/08/2016, 12:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
During LHC Long Shutdown 1 necessary upgrades to the CMS detector were made. CMS also took the opportunity to improve further particle reconstruction. A number of improvements were made to the Hadronic Tau reconstruction and Identification algorithms. In particular, electromagnetic strip reconstruction of the Hadron plus Strips (HPS) algorithm was improved to better model signal of pi0 from...
Marianna Fontana
06/08/2016, 14:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
During the First Long Shutdown (LS1), the LHCb experiment has introduced major modification in the data-processing procedure and modified part of the detector to deal with the increased luminosity and the increased heavy-hadron production cross-section. In this contribution we review the performance of the particle identification detectors at LHCb, Rich, Calorimeters, and Muon system, after the LS1.
Karim Massri
(University of Liverpool (GB))
06/08/2016, 14:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The main goal of the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator is to measure the branching ratio of the ultra-rare K+ โ ฯ+ฮฝฮฝ ฬ decay with 10% accuracy. This will be achieved by detecting about 100 K+ โ ฯ+ฮฝฮฝ ฬ decays with a ratio signal/background โผ 10 in 2-3 years of data taking starting in 2015. NA62 uses a 750MHz high-energy un-separated charged hadron beam, with kaons corresponding to โผ...
Alan Schwartz
(University of Cincinnati)
06/08/2016, 14:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Belle II experiment is now being constructed at the KEK laboratory in Japan and represents a substantial upgrade to both the Belle detector and the KEKB accelerator. Belle II will record 50 abโ1 of data, a factor of 40 more than that recorded by the previous generation of B-factory experiments. To provide particle identification in the barrel region, an โimaging-Time-of- Propagationโ...
The LHCb RICH system: current detector performance and status of the upgrade program (12' + 3')
Massimiliano Fiorini
(Universita di Ferrara & INFN (IT))
06/08/2016, 14:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
LHCb is a precision experiment devoted to the study of CP violation and rare decays of b and c quarks, and to the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The Ring-Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) system is a key component of the LHCb experiment: it consists of two RICH detectors that provide charged particle identification over a wide momentum range...
Francesca Bucci
(Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
06/08/2016, 15:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
NA62 is the lastest generation kaon experiment at CERN. Its main goal is the measurement of the $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \overline\nu$ branching ratio with $10\$% accuracy. The key element of the PID in NA62 is the Ring Imaging CHerenkov detector (RICH). The RICH detector is required to identify $\pi$ and $\mu$ in the momentum range between 15 and 35 GeV/c with a $\mu$ rejection factor...
Lee Allison
(Old Dominion University)
06/08/2016, 15:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The proposed Electron-Ion Collider will explore the physical regime of the most fundamental particles, quarks and gluons, and their interactions, which create 95% of the mass of the visible matter in the universe. To analyse these collisions a sophisticated particle id system must be built. The Detection of Internally Reflected Chereknov light (DIRC) technology is an attractive and radially...
Chang Hyon Ha
06/08/2016, 15:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
An ionization chamber from XIA co. for detecting alpha particles has been installed in the Yangyang underground laboratory. The alpha detector is served to assay detector materials for the KIMS-NaI dark matter experiment and the AMoRE double beta decay experiment. This instrument describes characteristic signals from ionization electrons produced by material's alpha particles in an Ar-filled...
Md Naimuddin
(University of Delhi)
06/08/2016, 16:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) is an approved underground laboratory for doing basic science experiments. It will house multiple on accelerator based experiments. One such experiment will be the massive 51 kton magnetised Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) detector to study atmospheric neutrinos and parameters related to their oscillations. Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) detectors will be...
(The University of Tokyo)
06/08/2016, 16:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
Hyper-Kamiokande is a large water Cherenkov detector planned in Japan
with improved photo-detectors. A 50 cm-diameter photomultiplier tube (PMT) was
initially developed for Kamiokande, and improved for Super-Kamiokande,
where a Venetian blind dynode was adopted for a wide acceptance.
Further improvement with a high charge and time resolutions was
achieved for Hyper-Kamiokande with a...
William Foreman
(University of Chicago)
06/08/2016, 16:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The detection of scintillation from particles in liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs) serves a crucial role in triggering and interaction timing for liquid argon neutrino experiments, with potential to enhance calorimetry and particle identification efficiency as well. The LArIAT experiment provides an opportunity to explore new ideas for light collection in LArTPCs in a controlled...
Sebastien Murphy
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
06/08/2016, 17:00
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The dual phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) is the start-of-art technology for neutrino detection thanks to its superb 3D tracking and calorimetry performance. Its main feature is the charge amplification in gas argon which provides excellent signal-to-noise ratio. Electrons produced in the liquid argon are extracted in the gas phase. Here, a readout plane based on Large...
gustavo cancelo
06/08/2016, 17:15
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
CONNIE is an experiment that uses Charge Coupled Devices (CCD) with the aim to detect low-energy neutrinos through their coherent scattering with nuclei. The CONNIE detector prototype is operating at a distance of 30 m from a 3.8 GWth nuclear power plant. The extremely low energy threshold of our CCDs allows the detection of ionization signals produced by neutrino-nucleus recoils as low as 50...
eric oberla
06/08/2016, 17:30
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The prospect of large-area, scalable, and high-granularity photodetectors opens the possibility of building a water-based 'optical time-projection chamber' (OTPC), in which high-energy charged-particle tracks are reconstructed by measuring the relative times and positions of the `drifted' Cherenkov photons.
A first experimental test the OTPC concept was performed at the MCenter Fermilab...
Vaia Papadimitriou
06/08/2016, 17:45
Detector: R&D and Performance
Oral Presentation
The Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) will utilize a beamline located at Fermilab to provide and aim a neutrino beam of sufficient intensity and appropriate energy range toward DUNE detectors, placed deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota. The primary proton beam (60-120 GeV) will be extracted from the MI-10 section of Fermilabโs Main...