Yacine Kadi
After 20 years of successful ISOLDE operation at the PS-Booster [1], The first cryomodule of the new superconducting linear accelerator HIE-ISOLDE (High Intensity and Energy ISOLDE), installed downstream of the REX-ISOLDE accelerator, was commissioned. It supplies the Miniball array, where an experiment using radioactive zinc ions (see box) began at the end of October. This is the first stage in the upgrade of the REX post-accelerator where the energy of the radioactive ion beams was increased from 3 to 4.3 MeV per nucleon. The facility will ultimately be equipped with four high-beta cryomodules that will accelerate the beams to 10 MeV per nucleon. This presentation aims to provide an overview of the upcoming shut-down activities and plans for the second phase of the project.
[1] A. Herlert, The ISOLDE Facility, Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 20/ No.4, 2010
Yacine Kadi
Ana-Paula Bernardes
Enrico Bravin
Erwin Siesling
Fabio Formenti
Guillaume Kautzmann
Jean-Christophe Gayde
Jeremie Bauche
Jose Alberto Rodriguez Rodriguez
Jose Antonio Ferreira Somoza
Maria Jose Garcia Borge
Michele Martino
Nicolas Delruelle
Richard Mompo
Vittorio Parma
Walter Venturini Delsolaro