2–4 Dec 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beta decay through broad resonances

2 Dec 2015, 09:40
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Karsten Riisager (Aarhus University (DK))


In many beta-delayed particle decays in light nuclei one observes broad features in the particle spectra that typically are interpreted as decays through broad resonances. I shall discuss this interpretation along with the alternative interpretation of the decay as proceeding directly to the continuum. Guidelines for when a decay belongs in one or the other category will be given, but there is an unavoidable overlap region. The discussion will be illustrated with examples from recent studies, e.g. in the decays of $^8$B and $^{11}$Be. The discussion has implications for how beta strength is defined in such decays, as well as for how results of (R-matrix) fits to the spectra may be compared to reaction data.


Karsten Riisager (Aarhus University (DK))

Presentation materials