2–4 Dec 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Interesting moments at CRIS this year

3 Dec 2015, 14:40
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map


Kara Marie Lynch (CERN)


The Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment combines laser spectroscopy and nuclear-decay spectroscopy to provide nuclear-structure measurements of exotic isotopes. At CRIS, the high resolution innate to collinear laser spectroscopy is combined with the high efficiency of ion detection to provide a sensitive technique to probe an isotope’s hyperfine structure. In addition to hyperfine-structure studies, ionization of the isotope of interest allows the (ground state or isomeric) ion beam to be deflected to a decay-spectroscopy station for radioactive -decay studies in clean conditions. The first measurements performed at the CRIS experiment achieved a linewidth of 1.5 GHz, allowing the magnetic moments and charge radii of isotopes down to 202Fr to be studied [1,2]. More recently, high-resolution laser spectroscopy was achieved, allowing measurements of the quadrupole moments of francium isotopes [3-5] with linewidths of ~20 MHz. This past year has seen the commissioning of the new CRIS laser laboratory in Building 508, in addition to the installation of a new narrow-linewidth Ti:Sa laser system with high output powers and a broad tuning range. Integration of the new method for chopping CW laser light, used in last year’s francium campaign, for two additional laser systems has allowed high-resolution studies of copper and gallium isotopes to be achieved. Here we report on the interesting moments from the past year: the events that have improved the experimental setup and the electromagnetic-moment measurements that have resulted from such improvements.


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