2–4 Dec 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Subsystems of the new GLM implantation chambers

2 Dec 2015, 18:20
61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room - (CERN)

61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -


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Matthias Nagl (Uni-Göttingen)


For the GLM branch of ISOLDE an ensemble of new collection chambers is currently being finished. One chamber allows rapid sample changing by means of a load-lock system as well as tilted implantations. The second chamber will provide the possibility to implant decelerated or post-accelerated ion beams and thus to control implantation depth. Finally, a third chamber will be optimized for online PAC measurements featuring low gamma absorption and mounting positions for scintillation detectors very close to the sample position which can be heated up to 1000°C while simultaneously implanting and measuring. For improved radio protection and better usability this chamber ensemble will be remotely controllable to a large extent. To achieve this goal several specialized electronic subsystems were developed. Our poster will present features and advantages of these newly developed systems and devices as well as the automation concept of the chamber ensemble.


Matthias Nagl (Uni-Göttingen)


Hans Hofsaess (University of Goettingen) Ulrich Vetter (University of Goettingen, II. Department of Physics)

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