Nuclear Structure:Looking to the future
- Bjorn Jonson (Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Alfredo Poves
(Departamento de Física Teórica and IFT, UAM-CSIC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, USIAS Fellow of the Université de Strasbourg at the IPHC.)
02/12/2015, 09:10
I shall discuss the meaning of the "nuclear shape" in the laboratory frame
proper to the Spherical Shell Model.
Shape coexistence, shape mixing and shape entanglement will
be described in relevant physics cases, either
neutron rich at the N=20-28 and 40-50 Islands of Inversion,
or neutron deficient in the N=Z=40 region.
Karsten Riisager
(Aarhus University (DK))
02/12/2015, 09:40
In many beta-delayed particle decays in light nuclei one observes broad features in the particle spectra that typically are interpreted as decays through broad resonances. I shall discuss this interpretation along with the alternative interpretation of the decay as proceeding directly to the continuum. Guidelines for when a decay belongs in one or the other category will be given, but there is...
Jens Dilling
02/12/2015, 10:00
The science program at TRIUMF for ISAC and ARIEL will be presented, including science highlights
and status and plans for the upcoming ARIEL facility. Once ARIEL is operational, three parallel radioactive beams will be available for users, coming from both electron and proton induced reactions.
Nico Orce
(University of the Western Cape)
02/12/2015, 10:20
New polarization potentials will be presented based on: 1) the latest photo-neutron cross section
evaluation and a missing factor of two in previous work, and 2) the mass dependency of the symmetry energy, $a_{sym}(A)$. The magnitude of the first one is 35% stronger than the currently accepted polarization potential. The second one opens up the possibility for a parameter-free polarization...