Fundamental Interactions & Beta Decay
- Gerda Neyens (KU Leuven (BE))
Bertram Blank
(CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan)
02/12/2015, 16:40
Nuclear beta decay transforms up quarks in down quarks and vice versa. Therefore, high-precision measurements of beta decay allows under certain conditions to test the standard model of weak interaction. In particular, the conserved vector current (CVC) hypothesis can be tested and the Vud element of the CKM quark mixing matrix can be determined. For this purpose, high-precision data for 0+ -...
Miguel Madurga Flores
02/12/2015, 17:10
The investigation of isotopes far from stability provides a substantial test of our understanding of the forces involved in organizing nuclear matter. Ground state properties, such as its mass or spin parity, and beta-decay properties, like the half-life or the neutron branching ratio are the typical observables that must be correctly reproduced to trust a nuclear theory calculation. In...
02/12/2015, 17:40
In neutron-rich nuclei, especially near shell-closures, the increasing
Q-value of beta decays and the lowering of the neutron-separation
threshold, lead to the dominance of beta-delayed neutron emission as
decay mode. At the same time, Q-values well above 10 MeV provide the
possibility to study highly-excited particle-hole states populated by
the GT decay.
A measurement was...
Loredana (for the ECHo Collaboration) Gastaldo
(Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University)
02/12/2015, 18:00
The Electron Capture in Ho-163 experiment, ECHo is designed to investigate the electron neutrino mass in the sub-eV region using high-precision measurements of the Ho-163 electron capture spectrum. The very good results obtained from the first prototypes of metallic magnetic calorimeters with ion-implanted Ho-163, among which the calorimetric measurement of the Ho-163 spectrum with the best...