- Yorick Blumenfeld (Institut de Physique Nucléaire-Orsay)
victor zamfir
(National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
02/12/2015, 14:10
The new Research Center ELI-NP is under construction in Bucharest-Magurele, Romania. It is meant as a unique research facility to investigate the impact of very intense electromagnetic radiation (Extreme Light) on matter with specific focus on nuclear phenomena and their applications. The extreme light is realized at ELI-NP in two ways: by very high optical laser intensities up to 1023 W/cm2...
Giacomo De Angelis
(Universita e INFN (IT))
02/12/2015, 14:40
Magic numbers are a key feature in finite systems of Fermions since they are strongly related to the underlying mean field. The evolution of the shells far from stability can be linked to the shape and symmetry of the nuclear mean field. The study of nuclei with large neutron/proton ratio allow to probe the density dependence of the effective interaction. Changes of the nuclear density and...
Guy Savard
(Argonne National Laboratory)
02/12/2015, 15:10
CARIBU (CAlifornium Rare Ion Breeder Upgrade) is a new source for neutron-rich short-lived isotopes that can be used for experiments directly with low energy beams or at Coulomb barrier energy after post-acceleration through the ATLAS superconducting linac located at Argonne National Laboratory. CARIBU uses a novel gas catcher based system to make available isotopes of all species produced by...
Georgi Georgiev
02/12/2015, 15:40
ALTO is an international facility that provides in parallel stable and radioactive beams. The stable beam experiments are based on the operation of a 15 MV Tandem that can accelerate species from hydrogen up to iodine as well as clusters (C, Au …). The low-energy radioactive beams are produced using the photo-fission of UCx target. The experiments performed cover a large physics case from...