Technical Session 1
- Richard Catherall (CERN)
Sebastian Rothe
(University of Manchester (GB))
03/12/2015, 09:00
The Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) is the most frequently applied ion source type at ISOLDE. The RILIS method of step-wise resonance laser excitation and ionization of the nuclear reaction products, makes it both highly selective and efficient. A continuous program of technical upgrades of the laser installation, as well as research and development of the RILIS technique, is...
Joao Pedro Ramos
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
03/12/2015, 09:40
The mission of the Target and Ion Source Development Team (TISD) at CERN-ISOLDE is to develop beams of new elements or shorter-lived isotopes. It is also to make sure that the current targets and ion sources operate with optimized settings and deliver high, pure and stable beams over time to the physics community. In this contribution, a report on the isotope yields of the uranium carbide...
Christoph Seiffert
(Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
03/12/2015, 09:55
Even though ISOLDE can provide a wide range of isotopes from many different elements,
extraction of some elements still proves to be difficult. This is especially true for refractory
and chemically reactive elements like carbon, boron and refractory metals. Although
extraction of these elements as more volatile molecules was suggested many decades ago,
extraction has only been successful...
Thierry Stora
03/12/2015, 10:10
CERN-MEDICIS aims at producing radioisotope batches by collection from mass separated radioactive beams for medical applications. To fulfil its goal, a new dedicated target irradiation station has been designed and tested in the HRS beam dump. A Radiation Hard Rail Conveyor System, developed within a technology transfer project, transports the targets for irradiation and back for isotope...