Swapan K. Saha
(Bose Institute)
02/12/2015, 18:20
Radiative capture cross sections at astrophysical energies are difficult to measure directly. The time reversed Coulomb breakup reaction may be used in such cases. Thus the Coulomb breakup of $^7$Be, preferably in the presence of heavy targets can be used to measure the production cross section of $^7$Be by $^3$He + $^4$He → $^7$Be + $\gamma$. This would enable measurements at low relative...
Hilary Masenda
(University of the Witwatersrand)
02/12/2015, 18:20
The lattice sites and valence states of Fe ions in InN were investigated by emission Mössbauer spectroscopy following the implantation of radioactive 57Mn+ ions at ISOLDE/CERN, stimulated by reports of ferromagnetic effects observed in virgin InN [1] and also when doped with 3d transition metals [2]. Angle dependent measurements performed at room temperature on the 14.4 keV γ-rays from the...
Joao Martins Correia
(Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT)), Dr
Juliana Schell
(Universität des Saarlandes (DE), ISOLDE-CERN)
02/12/2015, 18:20
The study of the Fleischmann and Pons Effect (FPE) i.e. the excess power production during electrochemical loading of deuterium in palladium has a multidisciplinary character. Correlations between the material status and the occurrence of the effect as well as some changing of the electrochemical interface status have been observed. During the last two decades the phenomenon was observed, well...
Abel Eduardo Da Silva Fenta
(University of Aveiro (PT))
02/12/2015, 18:20
The one-atom-thick crystal - graphene, uniquely combines extreme mechanical strength, exceptionally high electronic and thermal conductivities, as well as many other exotic properties, all of which make it highly interesting for fundamental physics and numerous applications. Its properties strongly depend on surface and interface nanoscale interactions, where new physical models should apply...
Katerina Chrysalidis
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
02/12/2015, 18:20
The Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) is the principle ionization technique for radioactive beam production at ISOLDE. It is based on multi-step laser resonance excitation and ionization of atomic species and is typically applied inside the hot cavity of the ISOLDE target and ion source assembly. To enable efficient laser ionization for additional elements, optimal ionization...
Angelo Rafael Granadeiro Costa
(Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
02/12/2015, 18:20
SiC is a wide band gap semiconductor with an increasing number of applications in high-temperature electronics. Similar to Si, transition metals (TMs) in SiC are the source of deep levels in the band gap, however, the knowledge on structural properties of TMs in SiC, such as possible lattice sites, is much less advanced.
In this work we report first results on the lattice site location of...
Marcelo Baptista Barbosa
(Universidade do Porto (PT))
02/12/2015, 18:20
Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) belongs to the family of transparent conductive oxides, electrically conductive materials that are optically transparent. These materials have been widely studied due to their technological applicability, and Ga2O3, having the widest band-gap among them (4.8 eV), is a very interesting material for photonic applications working in the visible and UV wavelength...
Numa Abdulmaeen S Althubiti
(University of Manchester (GB))
02/12/2015, 18:20
In this work neutron-deficient isotopes 195(g,m)Po and 197(g,m)Po have been investigated by using high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometry at ISOLTRAP [1]. In addition, decay measurements on these isotopes were performed with the assistance of ISOLTRAP’s multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF MS) [2], which successfully enabled us to deliver an isobarically pure beam...
Andree Welker
(Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
02/12/2015, 18:20
We present very recent ISOLTRAP [1, 2] measurements of neutron rich copper isotopes, where – with the help of the multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer – $^{79}$Cu was reached for the first time. Having only one proton above the $Z = 28$ core, the binding energies of the copper isotopes are sensitive to the evolution of nuclear shell structure close to the doubly-magic $^{78}$Ni...
Abel Eduardo Da Silva Fenta
(University of Aveiro (PT))
02/12/2015, 18:20
Perturbed angular correlation (PAC) spectroscopy experiments were used to study the adhesion of toxic heavy metal ions in aqueous solution to magnetic nanoparticles, to understand the structures and optimum trapping conditions in solutions (water and nitrate). In this work we analyze the results of the radioactive mercury and cadmium isotopes available for PAC, which were implanted in ice. The...
Gregory James Farooq-Smith
(University of Manchester (GB))
02/12/2015, 18:20
ISOLDE Workshop 2015
G. J. Farooq-Smith on behalf of the CRIS collaboration
Exotic isotopes of francium with yields as low as 100 ions/second have been examined with high efficiency and low background at the CRIS experiment, by the coupling of collinear laser and resonance ionisation spectroscopy techniques [1]. In addition, pure state beams have been examined even in the midst of...
Christophe Olivier Sotty
("Horia Hulubei" National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, 077125 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
02/12/2015, 18:20
Exhibiting one of the most sudden onset of deformation, the neutron-rich A=100 mass region has recently attracted a vast interest from the nuclear structure community.
The influence of the neutron contribution to the deformation has been already well investigated in the Sr and Zr isotopes; however, a better understanding of the role played by the proton orbitals was needed to draw a...
Matthias Nagl
02/12/2015, 18:20
For the GLM branch of ISOLDE an ensemble of new collection chambers is currently being finished. One chamber allows rapid sample
changing by means of a load-lock system as well as tilted implantations. The second chamber will provide the possibility to
implant decelerated or post-accelerated ion beams and thus to control implantation depth. Finally, a third chamber will be
optimized for...
Dhruba Gupta
(Bose Institute (IN))
02/12/2015, 18:20
The destruction of the $^7$Be nucleus is immensely important in studying the $^7$Li abundance anomaly. The relevant reaction rates, particularly the destruction of $^7$Be through resonance excitation in the transfer reaction $^7$Be (d,p) $^8$Be *, need to be measured with better accuracy before one can invoke solutions beyond nuclear physics. The T-REX detector array is suitable for such...
Stavroula Pallada
(Hellenic Republic Democritus University of Thrace (GR))
02/12/2015, 18:20
A series of Perturbed Angular Correlation of γ-rays (PAC) experiments with Cu-68m as probe nuclei implanted in several solid-state samples were performed in November 2015 at VITO-ISOLDE at CERN. The decay scheme of Cu-68m/Cu-68 was selected in order to test the feasibility of studying the hyperfine interactions of the Cu isotope with the electromagnetic fields of the host material. Due to the...
Torben Esmann Molholt
02/12/2015, 18:20
On behalf of the VITO Collaboration, T. E. Mølholt.
The VITO (Versatile Ion-polarized Techniques Online) medium scale experiment is a modification of the existing UHV line at ISOLDE. The VITO beamline has been under construction since 2014 and is installed permanently in the low-energy part of the ISOLDE hall. When fully commissioned, the unique experimental setup will open up numerous...