Technical Session 2: HIE-ISOLDE
- Roberto Saban (CERN)
Walter Venturini Delsolaro
03/12/2015, 11:00
The HIE ISOLDE project reached a major milestone in October 2015, when radioactive beams were delivered to the users for the first time. This important achievement was the culminating point of an intense year during which the first cryomodule of the HIE ISOLDE superconducting Linac and its high-energy beam transfer lines were installed and subsequently brought into operation. An essential...
Enrico Bravin
03/12/2015, 11:20
The requirements and constraints imposed by the superconducting HIE-ISOLDE REX led to the development of a new type of beam diagnostics boxes. These devices are designed around the stringent geometrical constraints of the inter-cryo-module regions. Compromises and optimisations had to be done in order to fit precise and reliable current, profiles and position measurements inside a few...
Jose Alberto Rodriguez
03/12/2015, 11:40
This has been an important year for the ISOLDE facility. A lot of new equipment has been installed on the HIE-ISOLDE side including the first cryomodule and several High Energy Beam Transfer lines (HEBT). In addition, many of the subsystems in the REX normal conducting linac have been renewed or refurbished. Following the hardware commissioning of the different systems and in preparation for...
Yacine Kadi
03/12/2015, 12:00
After 20 years of successful ISOLDE operation at the PS-Booster [1], The first cryomodule of the new superconducting linear accelerator HIE-ISOLDE (High Intensity and Energy ISOLDE), installed downstream of the REX-ISOLDE accelerator, was commissioned. It supplies the Miniball array, where an experiment using radioactive zinc ions (see box) began at the end of October. This is the first stage...