Uwe Oestermeier
Bebop is an open source (GPL) groupware that tries to combine collaboration
support and content management with a user-friendly interface. Group aspects
(e.g. who is online, who works on what, versioning conflicts, etc.) are
seamlessly integrated into the user's local workspace. Bebop comes in two forms:
a web client for casual users, and a standalone client for users with the need
for professional editing tools.
The web client provides wiki, blog, news, and repository views on Zope3 standard
content objects. As an Ajax application it offers live search, smart wiki links
with various edit options, and WYSIWYG editing and merging. A two-way event
notification (cf. Nevow's LivePages) for Zope3 is under development. Although
the Ajax client feels in many respects like a standalone application, it still
suffers from a limited integration with the desktop and editing tools. To
overcome this major shortcoming of web-based applications a standalone client
written in wxPython will be the major focus of the Bebop project. This client
stores all content in the filesystem and shows in real time who's online, who's
sharing the same point of view, and visualizes all modifications and versioning
The paper will focus on Bebop's architecture and sketch future developments.
Bebop: http.//svn.kmrc.de
LivePage: http://svn.zope.org/*checkout*/zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/README.txt
Uwe Oestermeier