98 / 98
- Steve Alexander (Canonical Limited)
Steve Alexander
- Speaker at Managing the Launchpad team at Canonical
- David Allouche (Canonical Limited)
- Julien Anguenot (Nuxeo SAS)
- Walter Aprile (PERCRO Lab, Scuola S.Anna, Pisa)
ludovic aubry
- Speaker at Introduction to Code_Aster
- Marian Babik (Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
- Flore Barcellini (INRIA-Eiffel Team)
- Thomas Baron (CERN)
Simon Belak
- Speaker at Generic Functions in Turbogears
Luis Belmar-Letelier
- Speaker at Distributed Source Code Management tools
- Speaker at Index & Search: itools.catalog
- Aaron Bingham (Cenix BioScience GmbH)
- David Boddie (Trolltech AS)
Carl Friedrich Bolz
- Speaker at What can PyPy do for you?
- Philippe Bossut (OSAF)
- Simon Burton (National ICT Australia)
Hervé Cauwelier
- Speaker at Distributed Source Code Management tools
- Speaker at i18n made easy, illustration with CherryPy
- Speaker at Using CSV as an indexed persistent layer
- Martin Chilvers (Enthought Inc)
- Charlie Clark
- Rob Collins (Europython 2006 Conference)
- Robert Collins (Canonical Limited)
Andrew Dalke Dalke
(Dalke Scientific Software, LLC)
- Speaker at Useful and New Modules
Kevin Dangoor
(Blazing Things)
- Speaker at An Introduction to TurboGears
- Speaker at Working Together on the Web
- Gaëtan de Menten (Tiny SPRL)
Nicolas DERAM
- Speaker at i18n made easy, illustration with CherryPy
- Speaker at Using CSV as an indexed persistent layer
- Theo De Ridder (Saxion Hogescholen)
- Beatric During (Change Maker)
- Jérémie Farret (Parallel Geometry Inc)
Altet Francesc
(Cárabos Coop. V.)
- Speaker at Finding Needles in a Huge DataStack
Markus Franz
(Metager2, SuMa-eV)
- Speaker at Snaking the Web
- James Fulton (Zope Corporation)
- James Gardner (3aims.com)
Marius Gedminas
(Programmers of Vilnius)
- Speaker at Literate testing with doctests
Anders Hammarquist
(AB Strakt)
- Speaker at Python as a domain specific language
Xavier Heymans
(Zea Partners)
- Speaker at ZEA Partner network explained
Michael Hudson
(Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
- Speaker at An Introduction to PyPy
- eric jones (Enthought, Inc.)
- Fourie Joubert (University of Pretoria)
Alan Kay
- Speaker at Children First!
- Aiste Kesminaite (Programmers of Vilnius)
Campbell Kevin
- Speaker at Developing MailManager
- Jan-Klaas Kollhof (n/a)
Holger Krekel
(merlinux GmbH)
- Speaker at PyPy architecture session
- Speaker at subversioned system configuration
holger krekel
(merlinux GmbH)
- Speaker at py.execnet: ad-hoc networking
- Marc-André Lemburg (eGenix.com)
- Jean-Yves Le Meur (CERN)
- Gregor Lingl (BRG 16)
- Niels Mache (struktur AG)
- Raphael Marvie (LIFL -- University of Lille)
- Harald Armin Massa (Na Zen Baer)
- Pere Mato (CERN)
- Rod McCall (CRP- Gabriel Lippmann)
Mark Mc Mahon
- Speaker at Introduction to pywinauto
- Ignas Mikalajūnas (Programmers of Vilnius)
- Gorka Moral (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work)
Mike Müller
(Python Academy)
- Speaker at Python Academy - Teaching Python in Germany
- Sofia Nygård (Åbo Akademi University)
Uwe Oestermeier
- Speaker at Bebop: A Zope3-based Groupware
- Leif Oppermann (University of Nottingham)
Jean-Marc Orliaguet
- Speaker at CPSSkins: theme editor for Zope3
Bryan O'Sullivan
- Speaker at Achieving High Performance In Mercurial
Samuele Pedroni
(AB Strakt)
- Speaker at PyPy architecture session
Martijn Pieters
- Speaker at Linktally: Ranking popular pages in a CMS
- Alexander Pilz (Syslab.com)
- Fabio Pliger (SIA s.r.l.)
- Witold Pokorski (CERN)
- Christophe Pradal (CIRAD)
- David Quarrie (LBNL)
Brian Quinlan
- Speaker at Programming Avalon with IronPython
- Reinout van Rees (Zest software)
- Armin Rigo (University of Düsseldorf)
- Emanuele Ruffaldi (PERCRO Lab, Scuola S.Anna, Pisa)
- Alexander Samarin (SAMARIN.BIZ)
- Michel Sanner (The Scripps Research Institute)
Francois Schnell
(ULP Multimedia)
- Speaker at Liberlab, a pocket lab for all
Alexander Schremmer
(MoinMoin Wiki Core Team)
- Speaker at MoinMoin Wiki Development
Stefan Schwarzer
- Speaker at Speed up your Python code
Micheles Simionato
(StatPro Italy)
- Speaker at Using decorators
- Oleg Smirnov (NWO/ASTRON)
- Alexander Soroko (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD)
- Christian Theune (gocept gmbh & co. kg)
- Andi Vajda (OSAF)
Maurits van Rees
(Europython, Zest Software)
- Speaker at eXtremeManagement of projects with Plone
Eric van Riet Paap
- Speaker at What can PyPy do for you?
Guido van Rossum
(Google, inc)
- Speaker at The Future of Python
Jeroen Vloothuis
- Speaker at Tramline, big files are fun!
Philipp von Weitershausen
- Speaker at Zope: The June releases
Lene Wagner
(merlinux GmbH)
- Speaker at Managing a distributed company
Thomas Waldmann
(MoinMoin Wiki Core Team)
- Speaker at MoinMoin Wiki Development
Grégoire Weber
(Europython 2006)
- Speaker at Version content in Plone with CMFEditions
Guido Wesdorp
- Speaker at Testing web applications with HyperTest
Simon Willison
- Speaker at The Django Web Framework
Chris Withers
(Simplistix Ltd)
- Speaker at Templating Systems Compared and Contrasted
- Moshe Zadka (B-hive Networks)
Tarek Ziadé
- Speaker at Ajax, state of the art
- Speaker at CPSBayes, a multipurpose naive bayesian classifier for Zope
- Tarek Ziadé (Personal project)
- Klaus Zimmermann (Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum, Universität Freiburg)
- Tiziano Zito (Institute for Theoretical Biology, Berlin)