Refereed Papers
refEver since the International Python Conference (IPC) stopped running as a separate event, the Python world has lacked a properly prestigious peer-reviewed forum for presenting technical and scientific papers. This track aims to fill that gap.
You can read more about the process of submitting a paper to this track here.
The track chairs are Armin Rigo and Carl Friedrich Bolz.
Python in Science
scienceThis track will focus on the use of Python in science and industry, where tasks imply modelling complex systems (thermics, fluid dynamics, mechanics, aeronautics, biology, chemistry, etc.), processing very large data sets and achieving very CPU-intensive and long calculations. Speakers will present tool sets, frameworks and examples of successful applications based on Python and integrated with the other usual tools and applications used in the field.
The track chair is Nicolas Chauvat.
Python Language and Libraries
pyA track about Python the Language, all batteries included. Talks about the language, language evolution, patterns and idioms, implementations (CPython, IronPython, Jython, PyPy ...) and implementation issues belong to the track. So do talks about the standard library or interesting 3rd-party libraries (and frameworks), unless the gravitational pull of other tracks is stronger.
The track chair is Samuele Pedroni.
Agile Development
agileAgility in software development is a key issue for more and more commercial and F/OSS projects. By Agility we mean both:
Methodology and practice aspects (XP, Scrum, Crystal, pair programming, test-driven development, sprints, etc).
The people factor (management, group dynamics, community collaboration, community diversity, selling/presenting projects etc).
This track invites talks that targets the following topics:
Experience reports and models relating to agile techniques used for tackling challenges in your development project or company (test-driven development and models for distributed workstyles).
presentation and discussion of supporting tools e.g. for testing, timetracking, collaborative planning or project management.
Experience in tackling challenges regarding mixed collaborative teams (tech-non tech people, mixed cultures and agendas, mixed communication styles).
The track chairs are Holger Krekel, Beatrice Düring and Aiste Kesminaite.
Web Frameworks
webIn the past year, Python's story for web frameworks has seen exciting new ideas and movement. This year's EuroPython reflects this by changing the Zope track into a generic web frameworks track. Join us as we hear about the big new ideas, learn from each other across projects, and try to move forward Python's web story.
The track chairs are Paul Everitt and Godefroid Chapelle.
Business and Applications
businessThis is where EuroPython thinks outside our Python community - about the applications we have written for ordinary people and businesses, and about how we've sold them to the outside world.
What Python apps have you written? Tell your fellow Pythonistas about them. Exchange knowledge and maybe gain new business partners.
How do you sell your apps and services into the business community?
What strategies have you used to convince potential customers and what works for you? Come to think of it, what doesn't work?
How do you license your apps? Do you use a Free Software licence or is your application proprietary? Tell us what path you have chosen and why.
What have you learnt about introducing new technology into userland?
Share your experiences with the community and go home enthusiastic and enlightened.
At previous EuroPythons we have heard about applications as diverse as indexing and searching the US patent database, and payroll. We have had panels on software patents (more work to do yet, I'm afraid) and licensing.
If you have any questions about how you can contribute to this track, please contact the Track Chairs, but most of all, please send us your proposals for talks for the Applications and Business Track.
The track chairs are John Pinner and Harald Armin Massa.
teachingAre you trying to teach python to somebody? or are you using Python to try to teach something else? The current collection of planned python talks covers a wide range, including teaching to elementary school children, and teaching science to graduate students using Python. It will be rounded out with talks on teaching in Africa, because I happen to know people doing work teaching there. All people who are using python in a teaching environment are welcome, to discuss anything relevant to the teaching experience.
The track chair is Laura Creighton.
Games and Entertainment
gamesGames are one of the key reasons people start using computers. Python provides people with the power and simplicity to write games of their own - from simple sudoko games, arcade games through to massive online gaming systems. Python is used commercially for games infrastructure and scripting. There are also community events encouraging you to build a game from scratch in a week. However, not all the tools that people use for writing games end up being used that way. They get used for entertainment purposes as diverse as PVRs, audio/video players, and fun presentation tools (as seen at Europython!).
Come share your experience with the wider community! Tell us how you get started, how you build something large, how you build something small, how you built something cool. Share how YOU built your games, and entertainment systems. In return you may well gain new collaborators, certainly new ideas, and discover new ways of doing things.
If you have any questions about how you can contribute to this track, please contact the track chair.
We look forward to hearing what you have to say about python in the home!
The track chair is Michael Sparks.
misfitsSo you don't think your talk fits into any of the existing tracks? Talk to me, and we will see what we can do. Many of the past years best talks (as evaluated by the attendees) first showed up as misfits, so do not feel shy, just mail me.
The track chair is Laura Creighton.
Lightning Talks
lightningLightning Talks are short (5 minutes) talks about any subject you fancy. This year we'll be having a session of lightning talks at the end of each day. Some relevance to Python or Zope or maybe just computers would be preferred, but is hardly essential! Many Lightning Talks will be arranged at the conference, but you can sign up for one in advance too.
Please note that giving a lightning talk does not qualify you for the reduced entry offered to speakers on other tracks. Also, experience suggests that trying to give a 30 minute talk in 5 minutes doesn't work -- please plan accordingly!
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