3–5 Jul 2006
CERN, Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

"What not how" - Questionnaire development with Zope & Python

4 Jul 2006, 14:00
40-SS-C01 (CERN, Geneva)


CERN, Geneva

Business and Applications Business and Applications


Mr Charlie Clark


Computers are well-suited for routine, recurring tasks such as data entry. In fields such as medicine effective use can lead to considerable improvements in productivity and patient care if doctors spend less time asking routine questions. As part of a research project at the University of Aberdeen I have been investigating possible systems. Any system should require as little maintenance by programmers as possible and should be configurable by managers, although the data captured would only be required for a doctor-patient interview, it should be stored in a reusable form. While there are several very questionnaire systems around they are generally geared towards statistical evaluation. Furthermore, while providing a great deal of flexibility in questionnaire and report layout, the data essentially remains locked within the application. It was decided to develop a prototype to support a generic, data-driven approach with a RDBMS backend for connection with other systems. To provide the greatest degree of flexibility the core part of the application requires very little programming. Zope, Python and PostgreSQL provide a good environment for this kind of requirement: PostgreSQL ensures data integrity, Python is well-suited for writing business rules, Zope is an excellent environment for integration. As a result most problems are of a conceptional nature. Due to the highly specific nature of parts of the project, it is unlikely that the software will be released.

Primary author

Mr Charlie Clark

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