eric jones
(Enthought, Inc.)
The Enthought tool suite (ETS) is a collection of packages for developing
scientific applications. It includes a variety of tools ranging from Envisage,
a framework for building scriptable and extensible applications, to Mayavi, a
general 3D visualization package. This talk provides an overview of the
collection's capabilities and demonstrates their use in a variety of
applications. Here is a quick description of the several packages we will
Traits forms the foundation of almost every other package in ETS. It allows
developers to specify type information for Python class members. This
information is used for intializing and validating these members as well as
building user interfaces for an object via Traits UI. Additionally, traits
supports an observer pattern where "listener" methods are called whenever a
member trait changes.
Kiva is a platform independent vector based drawing library for rendering 2D
graphics. It is path and affine transform based, and supports alpha
transparency. Kiva is used extensively by both the enable and the chaco
Chaco is Enthought's package for building interactive 2D plots. It
architected to support customizable interaction with scientific data as well
as efficient rendering of large data sets.
Tvtk is a "traitsified" layer on the VTK visualiztion library. In addition
to the facitlities provided by traits, tvtk provides a more convenient
interface as well as more efficient sharing of data between VTK and Python
Numeric/NumPy data structures.
Mayavi is a general purpose 3D visualizaiton plugin for Envisage applications
developed by Prabhu Ramachandran. This tool is actually 3nd generation of
the original Tk based Mayavi application. Mayavi is built on top of Tvtk.
Envisage is a plugin based architecture for developing scriptable and
extensible applications. There are a number of plugins that come with ETS
including a text editor, python shell, mayavi, and others that can be
combined together along with domain specific plugins to develop full features
More information on ETS is available at http://code.enthought.com/ets.
eric jones
(Enthought, Inc.)