3–5 Jul 2006
CERN, Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Useful and New Modules

4 Jul 2006, 14:35
40-S2-A01 (CERN, Geneva)


CERN, Geneva

Python Language and Libraries Python Language and Libraries


Andrew Dalke Dalke (Dalke Scientific Software, LLC)


Python comes with batteries, and more are added with every release. It's hard to keep track of all of them, and I won't even try. My talk will cover some of the standard library modules I think more people should know about. I'll cover the new ctypes and ElementTree modules and older modules including subprocess, csv, and optparse. Depending on the time I'll also show examples using the bisect, heapq, and textwrap modules.


Andrew Dalke Dalke (Dalke Scientific Software, LLC)

Presentation materials