3–5 Jul 2006
CERN, Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

What can PyPy do for you?

4 Jul 2006, 12:10
40-S2-A01 (CERN, Geneva)


CERN, Geneva

Python Language and Libraries Python Language and Libraries


Mr Armin Rigo (researcher)Mr Carl Friedrich Bolz (student)Mr Eric van Riet Paap (programmer)


This talk describes novel features of the PyPy project (a next generation Python interpreter) which are made possible by its flexible architecture. The talk focuses mostly on example usages and less about their implementation. Specifically we will discuss and showcase the following: - lazy evaluation with the thunk object space - lightweight threadlets similar to those provided by stackless python - Oz-like dataflow variables with the logic object space - Writing compatible extension modules for PyPy and CPython with the PyPy extension compiler - The Javascript backend and its uses


Mr Armin Rigo (researcher) Mr Carl Friedrich Bolz (student) Mr Eric van Riet Paap (programmer)

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