3–5 Jul 2006
CERN, Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

An Introduction to TurboGears

3 Jul 2006, 14:00
40-S2-B01 (CERN, Geneva)


CERN, Geneva

Web Frameworks Web Frameworks


Mr Kevin Dangoor (Blazing Things)


Since its release in September, TurboGears has quickly grown a large and active community of developers. With TurboGears 1.0 currently in testing, there is quite a bit to show off that hasn't been presented before. In the "20 Minute Wiki", I show the end-to-end creation of a simple application. In this presentation, I will present a feature tour (with code snippets) to highlight some of the high-level facilities TurboGears offers.


Mr Kevin Dangoor (Blazing Things)

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