Grégoire Weber
(Europython 2006)
With CMFEditions Plone content may be versioned. Around the conference a 1.0rc or
1.0final will be available. It works with all standard Plone content out of the box.
It offers strong architectural support for future use cases. There are already a
handful of sites productive with CMFEditions alpha versions.
My presentation will cover the following topics:
- User experience: From the user perspective versioning looks quite
simple. I'll show some of the most important use cases with a demo. - Overview over the architecture and extensibility points: Storage,
Instance that allows altering content at save and retrieve time
(Modifiers), Purge support (new with upcoming 1.0beta1). - Core Concepts: Object borders. I'll hope to be able to show this
with an example. - Overview over the diff add on.
Every topic above will be introductionary for the following target groups:
- Users or integrators evaluating Plone and need versioning (1. and 4.)
- Evaluators for bigger sites or intranets with custom content types
or a large amount of content objects. (2. and to some extent 3.) - Developers that have to write extensions for their non standard
Plone content types or have to implement non standard use cases
based on Plone. (3.)
I'll show the strengths and weaknesses of the different components
CMFEditions is built upon.
Grégoire Weber
(Europython 2006)