3–5 Jul 2006
CERN, Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

MoinMoin Wiki Development

3 Jul 2006, 11:35
40-S2-B01 (CERN, Geneva)


CERN, Geneva

Web Frameworks Web Frameworks


Mr Alexander Schremmer (MoinMoin Wiki Core Team)Mr Thomas Waldmann (MoinMoin Wiki Core Team)


MoinMoin is a popular and powerful wiki engine in Python. The talk will give an introduction to the MoinMoin core source code, extension concepts and extension development. Shortly, we will present the flexibility of MoinMoin and how the user base (Python, Apache, Ubuntu, ...) looks like. We will give an architecture overview as well as explain some code and show how you can write your own.


Mr Alexander Schremmer (MoinMoin Wiki Core Team) Mr Thomas Waldmann (MoinMoin Wiki Core Team)

Presentation materials