Jeroen Vloothuis
We at Pareto have created a streaming video Portal on top of Plone. It
is created utilizing Plone's CMS capabilities combined with other open
source packages.
Because large binary data (like videos) can hurt the performance of
the Zope database (ZODB) we set up Tramline. Tramline is a mod_python
program which filters incoming post data. When it notices a file
upload it extracts the data from it and puts that into a file. Then it
replaces the post body with an id matching the filename.
Upon a get it filters the response headers to see if the body is a
Tramline id. In case it is it will replace the response body with the
contents of the file stored on disk.
This way Tramline ensures all binary file data is kept on disk instead
of in the database. Yet it makes development and testing without it no
different than you would normally.
In my talk I would like to explain the principles and usage of
Tramline. I will do this using our use case as a backdrop.
Primary author
Jeroen Vloothuis