3–5 Jul 2006
CERN, Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

i18n made easy, illustration with CherryPy

4 Jul 2006, 09:00
40-S2-B01 (CERN, Geneva)


CERN, Geneva

Web Frameworks Web Frameworks


Mr Hervé CAUWELIER (itaapy)Mr Nicolas DERAM (itaapy)


After a quick introduction to i18n (internationalization), we will show how it is fast and efficient to turn an application into a multilingual application using the itools library. The powerful framework CherryPy will be used to highlight in a fully functional example, in particular the four following aspects: * automatic message extraction in Python code; * automatic message extraction in XML templates; * speed improvement by using one template per language; * language negotiation API. Those aspects allow the internationalizion of a Python application, even outside the Web context.


Mr Hervé CAUWELIER (itaapy) Mr Nicolas DERAM (itaapy)

Presentation materials