15–22 Oct 2009
Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - INFN
Europe/Rome timezone

Skin Dosimetry in MRI-guided Radiotherapy (MRIgRT)

15 Oct 2009, 16:50
Room "Azzurra" (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - INFN)

Room "Azzurra"

Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - INFN

Via S. Sofia 62, Catania (I)
Oral presentation Users Workshop Users' Workshop Parallel Session III - Medical


Mr Bradley Oborn (Centre for Medical Radiation Physics)


Geant4 has been used to simulate in high-resolution (10 micron thick voxels) the skin doses below 0.5 mm depth occurring in MRIgRT (6 MV photon beam, Varian 2100C). On the entry side lepton contamination removal has been studied to show potential skin dose reductions (at low magnetic field strengths). At high magnetic fields (>2 T) skin dose increases (up to 30% of dmax). In the exit region the Electron Return Effect (ERE) gives rise to massive skin dose increases (>100%). The use of exit bolus is investigated for reducing these increases.
Are you a Memeber of the Geant4 Collaboration (yes/no) no


Mr Bradley Oborn (Centre for Medical Radiation Physics)


Prof. Anatoly Rosenfeld (Centre for Medical Radiation Physics) Dr Martin Butson (Centre for Medical Radiation Physics) Prof. Peter Metcalfe (Centre for Medical Radiation Physics)

Presentation materials