Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–13 Apr 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

High-energy Astrophysics in a single pixel

12 Apr 2016, 10:55



Michael Feyereisen (University of Amsterdam)


The one-point function (i.e., the isotropic flux distribution) is a complementary method to (anisotropic) two-point correlations. Using analytical models of structure formation and dark matter halo properties, we compute the gamma-ray flux distribution due to annihilations in extragalactic dark matter halos, and relate this to indirect DM searches with Fermi Large Area Telescope. Using luminosity functions of star forming galaxies, BL Lacs, and other high-energy neutrino sources, we compute the flux distribution to be compared with the flux observed by IceCube.

Primary author

Michael Feyereisen (University of Amsterdam)

Presentation materials