B. Wiestler, Dept. of Neuroradiology, TU Munich
(Dept. of Neuroradiology, TU Munich, Germany)
02/05/2016, 16:10
Glioblastoma (WHO grade IV) is the most common malignant primary brain tumor in adults with a dismal median overall survival of 16 months, despite intensive radio-chemotherapy. In recent years, the advent of high-throughput genomic analyses has helped us to better understand the biology underlying this disease. These advances translate in two ways “from bench to bedside”: First, tumors now can...
A. Del Guerra, Dept. of Physics, University of Pisa
(Dept. of Physics, University of Pisa)
02/05/2016, 16:40
TRIMAGE is an interdisciplinary FP7-funded European collaboration aimed at developing a cost-effective dedicated brain PET/MR/EEG brain scanner for early diagnosis of schizophrenia. The brain activity measured with fMRI, combined with the highly sensitive molecular information provided by PET, and the highly sensitive temporal information from EEG converge into a new imaging tool for...
J. Silva-Rodríguez, IDIS Santiago de Compostela
(Molecular Imaging Group in Health Research Institute (IDIS), Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain)
02/05/2016, 17:00
Multi-modal preoperative evaluation with advanced structural, functional, and metabolic neuroimaging techniques is essential in the pre-surgical evaluation of refractory epilepsy for the delineation of the epileptogenic zone to be resected. In latter years, PET has gained a leading role in this evaluation since it has demonstrated to be simpler and more sensitive than ictal SPECT in certain...
A. Gonzalez Martinez, I3M Valencia
02/05/2016, 17:20
The first prototype of the MINDView project, a brain PET insert MR compatible, is currently being assembled. The scanner is composed of 3 rings of 20 detector blocks each. The detector block includes a monolithic LYSO crystal with 50x50x20 mm3 and a custom 12x12 SiPM array (TSV-type). The system defines an axial and transaxial field of view (FOV) of about 150 mm and 240 mm, respectively....