G. Llosa Llacer, IFIC - Valencia
(IFIC - Valencia)
03/05/2016, 14:00
The detection of prompt gammas to assess range variations in real time during hadron therapy is being investigated as an alternative to PET techniques. The use of prompt gammas can be advantageous given the larger amount produced as compared to positron emitters and the fact that they are produced within nanoseconds after irradiation. However, their detection is challenging due to the...
Giacomo G. Traini, Univ.Sapienza, INFN Roma1
(Università La Sapienza, INFN Roma1 (IT))
03/05/2016, 14:20
In Charged Particle Therapy (CPT) beams of protons or carbon ions are used for treatment of tumors. The higher precision in dose deposition achieved by charged ions with respect to X-Rays, used in conventional radiotherapy, allows to reduce the undesired dose released to the healthy tissues surrounding the cancer region. This makes the CPT particularly suitable for deep situated tumors close...
S. Vinogradov, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow
(Lebedev Physical Institute)
03/05/2016, 14:40
Hadrontherapy is an emerging technology toward personalized high precision medicine, a vital instrumentation, especially in a cancer treatment. Success in the treatment critically depends on the precision of gamma imaging in general and absorbed dose profile monitoring in particular. PET and SPECT are well-established modalities of gamma imaging, and both of them have specific advantages and...
P. Cerello, INFN Torino
(INFN Torino (IT))
03/05/2016, 15:00
In-beam PET is one of the options for real-time monitoring of the Bragg peak
depth in hadron-therapy sessions, which would allow hypofractionation and
the treatment of multiple lesions.
The INSIDE collaboration has recently completed the building of a PET
scanner, featuring two 10x25 cm2 planar heads at a default distance of 25 cm
from the iso-centre, that will soon be complemented by a...