P. Lecoq, CERN
04/05/2016, 09:00
Results achieved by European researchers in recent years make it likely that the 100 ps TOFPET resolution barrier can be broken. Research to reach the 10ps limit is already supported by EU funded projects (ERC Advanced grant #338953 to one member of the consortium, COST action FAST #TD1401). On the same line another member of the consortium has been recently awarded an ERC Advanced grant to...
C. Tsoumpas, University of Leeds
(University of Leeds)
04/05/2016, 09:30
Scintillator-based detectors have been very successful in high energy physics (HEP) calorimetry, medical imaging, and many other applications. In particular, the potential of such detectors to achieve precise timing information is of increasing importance for those applications. Already today, scintillator-based detectors coupled to high bandwidth amplifiers are capable of producing a timing...
R. Martinez Turtos, Universita Milano-Bicocca & INFN, (IT)
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
04/05/2016, 10:40
Scintillating crystals performance in terms of light output and timing are key parameters in order to achieve ultimate time resolution in radiation detector systems, particularly in the low energy regime of medical imaging. State-of-the-art Time of Flight measurements present Coincidence Time Resolution (CTR) values on the order of 140 picoseconds for 20 mm long LYSO:Ca crystals using 511 keV,...
D. Sánchez, Univ. Barcelona
04/05/2016, 11:00
Medical imaging devices have historically been based on scintillator crystals coupled to photomultipliers tubes, PMTs. The problems to combine PMTs with high electromagnetic fields and the relatively high cost per unit surface, opens new opportunities on the field for a different type of photodetector named silicon photomultiplier.
SiPM or Multipixel Photon Counter,...