Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

13 January 2016
The Marble Hall/Kohn Centre, The Royal Society
Europe/London timezone

Spotlight talks

Not scheduled
The Marble Hall/Kohn Centre, The Royal Society

The Marble Hall/Kohn Centre, The Royal Society

6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London.


Spotlight speakers (in order):

Karin Sigloch (Oxford) - “Seismic tomography”

Aris Karastergiou (Oxford) - “Pulsars”

Juha Jäykkä (Cambridge) - “Algorithms to Architectures”

Stephen Smartt (Belfast) - “Big Data problems for transient sky surveys in astronomy”

Peter Coveney (UCL) - “Compute and data-intensive simulations, error analysis & control in the chemical sciences”

Thomas Kitching (MSSL) - “Euclid”

Eiko Yoneki (Cambridge) - “Efficient massive-scale graph processing”

Jonathan Gair (Edinburgh) - “Challenges in data analysis for gravitational wave detectors”

Tim Scanlon (UCL) - “Big Data at the Large Hadron Collider”

Alan Heavens (Imperial) - “Many data: few numbers; many data: many numbers”

Sjoerd de Ridder (Edinburgh) - “Analysing data from Large N permanent seismic stations to monitor subsurface processes”

Serena Viti (UCL) - “Data science challenges and solutions in astrochemistry”

David Wallom (Oxford) - “Creating insight from Big Data in Energy and the environment”

Presentation materials