In this work, we search for the regions of the phenomenological minimal supersymmetric
standard model (pMSSM) parameter space in ‘’alignment without decoupling” scenarios.
In such cases one can expect to have moderate Higgs mixing angle () with relatively light
additional Higgses after satisfying the current LHC data. Using the most updated data
(till December 2014) from the LHC and Tevatron experiments, we perform a global fit
analysis. We also consider the constraints coming from the precision measurements of the
rare b-decays: Bs -> μ+μ− and b -> s \ga. We find that low MA (\leq 350) and high tan \be
(\geq 25) regions are disfavored by the combined effect of the global analysis and flavour
data. However, current data still allow regions with Higgs mixing angle \al \sim 0.1 - 0.8. We
then study the existing direct search bounds on the heavy scalar/pseudoscalar (H/A) and
charged Higgs boson (H±) masses and branchings at the LHC. It has been found that regions
with low to moderate values of tan \be with light additional Higgses (mass \leq 600 GeV) are
unconstrained by the data, while the regions with tan \be > 20 are excluded considering the
direct search bounds by the LHC-8 data. The possibility to probe the region with tan \be
\leq 20 at the high luminosity run of LHC are also discussed, giving special attention to the
H -> hh, H/A -> \bar{t} t and H/A -> ø+ø− decay modes.