25–29 May 2009
Umeå University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Benchmarking current PC server hardware

26 May 2009, 16:30
Big Auditorium (kb3b1), KBC building (Umeå University)

Big Auditorium (kb3b1), KBC building

Umeå University

KBC Umeå Universitet Umeå, Sweden


Mr Götz Waschk (DESY)


HEP-SPEC06 is the standard measurement for computing power in the LCG community. The computing requirements of groups like Lattice QCD at DESY need specialized benchmarks to evaluate new hardware. The theoretical particle physics group uses the form benchmark, which solves symbolical equations. The DD-HMC and the Chroma benchmarks include kernels of high-performance parallel Lattice QCD applications. Both parallel benchmarks were run on the up to 8 cores of a compute node. The three mentioned benchmarks were used to evaluate the current server hardware with the latest CPUs by Intel and AMD.


Mr Götz Waschk (DESY)


Presentation materials